Chapter 2 Monster Festival

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No one's POV

Currently, Bell is having a status update and curiosity got the best of Sora and he looked at Bell status.

Sora(mind): Liaris Freese! It has the same ability as my Burst Power but this ability grew stronger the more Bell's feeling towards Aiz, huh?

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Sora(mind): Liaris Freese! It has the same ability as my Burst Power but this ability grew stronger the more Bell's feeling towards Aiz, huh?

Hestia: Bell, can I just tell you about your status today?

Bell: Oh, sure.

Sora: But, before that can I get a status update too?

Hestia: Sure...

Sora then laid in the bed and opened his shirt to receive his status update.

Hestia: Wow... your status increase by 30 points each... for a Level 6 that's a little too much, which is wierd?

Sora: Neat...

Sora and Bell then sit down on the bed and Hestia told about Bell status. And he was surprised by how much it grows.

Hestia(mind): I've decided. I'm going to give them a push forward!

Bell: M-My status has gone up that much?

Hestia: Yes. The both of you are growing at an incredible rate now. That goes double for you Bell. It's like a growth spurt. This is just my personal opinion, but I think that the both of you have talent. You'll become strong, for sure. And you want to become stronger yourself.

Bell: Yes.

Sora: I respect your desire, Bell. But promise me that you won't do anything rash. So you don't leave me or Goddess alone, okay?

Hestia: That's right! I'll support you and help you.

Bell: Okay. I won't do anything rash. I'll do my best to get stronger, but I'll never leave the both of you alone, Goddess, Sora. I won't make you both worry!

Hestia smiled at the both of them and tears started flowing down her eyes.

Hestia: As long as I can hear those words, I feel fine. And so, Bell, Sora, I'll be gone for a few days, starting tonight. Is that all right?

Bell: Huh?

Sora: Are you going somewhere?

Hestia just smiled and leave the two of them alone.

Sora: Bell lets go to the hostess of fertility! You need to apologize for running yesterday!

Bell: Right!

Bell and Sora then head towards the hostess of fertility and when they arrived Bell bowed down to Mama Mia and started apologizing.

Bell: I'm sorry! I ran off yesterday without paying.

Mia: You're lucky that Sora stays and paid for the meal. Because if you didn't come to me, I was going to come to you.

Bell and Sora then shivers by her words.

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