Ch 68: The Truth Will Set You Free

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Their pace never slowed as they crossed the fields of Brittany. They ignored everything as the horses heaved, and they only stopped to allow them a drink before their run resumed. The sky bled a mixture of orange and red as the sun began to descend and a chill ran over Adelaide's skin as the warmth of the day was swept away. Every muscle ached, but mostly her jaw hurt from the constant clenching. She tried to keep her thoughts from straying, tried to keep her mind from delving too deeply into her emotions, but the questions and worries were clustering like clouds before a storm.

The pitch black of night was broken by the glow of the moon and the countless number of stars that scattered across the dark canvas. The sight of the thousands upon thousands of twinkling lights filled Adelaide with memories that, despite their situation, had her smiling.

She could recall a time when she and Henry were seventeen and sixteen respectively. Of course, at this time, her secret was still a secret.

The two had been outside Chateau de Suscinio stargazing, pointing out the many constellations and naming what they could remember from their lessons. They were both miserable at the game, though. Each knew so little about the night sky that they couldn't check what was fact and what was fiction. After some time, it became more of a connect-the-dots-and-see-who-could-fabricate-the-better-picture sort of game.

Adelaide remembered tracing an abstract and absurd image of Henry atop a dragon actively consuming Edward IV.

Henry had laughed so hard he'd snorted. She had loved that sound and neither could help it as they fell into fits of unabashed giggles that were rather 'unmanly' for boys of their age. Jasper had severely scolded them when he'd found them, telling them off for being so loud so late at night, but upon hearing Adelaide's fantastical star depiction, had also laughed at the ridiculousness of her imagination.

Adelaide and Henry had stared at the stars several more times over their years together. And she couldn't help but contemplate how many times their relationship had changed over the course of that time. They had started out as strangers who had met coincidentally on a stollen ship before becoming friends as they helped one another through the difficult moments of youth. Their bond strengthened to brotherhood before tumbling into an uncomfortable grey area where they weren't certain they knew one another at all anymore. But after cresting that hill of misgivings, they'd become friends again. Then things bloomed into love. 

And that love would eventually lead to heartbreak.

Adelaide shifted her thoughts away from their eventual parting and retrained her focus on the lights that had started to appear in the distance. As the city of Angers gave into view, she felt the tension in her chest begin to ease. 

They were out of Brittany. They had made it. 

The relief was a collective sigh throughout the company. The horses were eased into a gentler pace as the blank scenery of trees and grass morphed into small homes and shops tightly packed together and stacked atop one another. The majority of its residents were asleep and a cool silence stretched across the city. 

Henry dismounted first, his gaze already darting around in search of his uncle.

Jasper must have been watching for their arrival because as soon as all their feet were on the ground, Jasper and his men were running towards them. The greetings were pushed to the side, though, as the horses were taken to the stables and everyone else shuffled into a nearby tavern. Once inside, though, Jasper hauled Henry into his arms and suffocated him in a tight embrace. He chocked back a cry and Adelaide could see he was shaking. 

With a heavy intake of breath to calm himself, Jasper stepped back from Jasper before turning towards Adelaide and gripping her just as tightly. Her own limbs shook as she returned the hug. Fear was thick in her throat and she had to clear it several times before she could form proper words. 

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