Punch our way out

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Hello! This chapter is very long: (2425 words) so please keep your arms and legs inside the Havoc Murauder at all times and be prepared for a bumpy ride!!

My head throbs with each heartbeat.

I groan, trying to open my eyes, but it feels as if they are covered in cloth.

  "Delta?" Omega's voice reaches my ears, but it sounds like she is miles away.  Galaxies away.  My sore muscles allow me to sit up, but a quiet groan still escapes my lips.

"Where-where are we?"

  "We are in a sort of... cell."  My eyes fly open, and although my vision is blurry I can still see the shape of Omega.

  I grip her shoulders, pulling her into a tight hug.  She quickly hugs me back, her arms wrapped around my middle.

"Thank the maker." I mummer, giving her a squeeze. "That soldier didn't hurt you, did he?"

  I feel her shake her head. "No. He just grabbed my arm."
 With Omega safe in my arms I take the time to look around the cell.  It is a shallow room, with a light blue ray-shield sealing one side.  A grey bench runs around the inner perimeter.  On the other side of the shield is a well lit room, a pale white like the rest of the facility.  Two shock troopers stand at the entrance, talking to each other.

  "How long have we been in here?"  I question, watching one of the guards adjust his helmet.

"Not too long," she says, scooting next to me. "I just wish Nala Se would come get us.  After they stunned you, they took your armor."

I look down at my blacks and groan.  Of course they took my armor.

"I was really worried about you." Omega whispers.

I raise my eyebrows at her. "Did you really think you could get rid of me that easily?"

I give her a smile, slowly standing.  My legs wobble and I place my hand on the wall for support.  I gently shake out each of my legs, trying to get the effects of the stun to wear off.  My vision has cleared, along with my foggy mind.

I notice both the clones at the door raise their hands to their helmets, as if they received a transmission.

"Yes, sir." They each respond quietly, before turning to the door and standing with hands placed securely on their blasters.

"Someone is coming." I whisper to Omega, moving in front of her.  The door buzzed before it slowly starts to open, and I step back into the shadows.

I let out a quiet breath.  Hunter walks into through door, his face contorted in a frown.  He is closely followed by his squad, who all share equally sour looks.  They are only in their blacks, like me.

I watch as the guard pulls down a leaver on the control panel in the center of the room. The iridescent blue wall shimmers before disappearing entirely.  Hunter shoots a cold glare at the guards before stepping inside after his brothers.  They turn towards the front room as the shield lowers after them.  I am surprised they haven't noticed us yet.

Wrecker raises his head, sniffing the air.
"It smells weird in here."  He remarks loudly, his voice filling the room.

"That's because it's clean."  Echo snips at him.

They are quiet for a minute before Tech looks around the cell.  He spots me instantly, then his eyes travel to Omega.  He adjusts his goggles.

"It would appear that our capture wasn't a complete failure."  He remarks, and the group turns to look at us.

The girl with a storm in her eyes:  The Bad Batch FanficWhere stories live. Discover now