The Mission

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  Hey, I'm not dead!!

  A long chapter for you guys today! Not my best writing, but it gets the point across none the less.

TW: Blood? Delta and Echo being sassy, shirtless Hunter, Omega's cuteness, terrible attempt at writing a growing relationship. Ext.


(Also, Muchi is a bit bigger in this then in the show. Imagine about half size bigger.)

  "So, what's the Plan?" I ask, jumping a bit as Hunter presses a Vibro Blade into my hand, it's cold metal pressing against my Palm. I twirl it in my fingers before sliding it into my belt.

We are in the belly of the ship, with Wrecker and Omega sitting at the other end of the room. The door to the cockpit is wide open, and the Rumble of Tech and Echo's voices can be heard

  "You and Omega stay on the ship." He said, his brown eyes holding my gaze. "With your sister after her, we don't need to be broadcasting her location throughout the galaxy."

  I huff, crossing my arms.
  "As if a team of elite trained soldiers won't cause suspicion?" I ask, a hint of mockery in my voice.
  He rolls his eyes, and I smile at him. It humored me to tease him, and he knew it.

  "Just stay here, and stay safe." I give him a salute, moving to the cockpit to join Echo.

  "Whatever you say, Sargent." I sass, plopping down in the co-pilots chair, observing the planet beyond.

Echo chuckles, leaning back in his seat and looking at me through half closed eyes.

  "The sass is strong with this one." He says, a hint of a joke in his tone. I smile at him, bringing my knees up to my chest. Tech spins around, standing and moving out of the Cockpit.

  "Come on, Echo. Hunter is going to give us a briefing." Echo groans, standing up and stretching. I stretch out my legs, stretching my arms out above my head, letting out a squeak.

  Omega trots into the cockpit, the stuffed clone trooper still in her hands.

  "Hello, love." I say, holding out my arms. She scrambles into my lab, wrapping her arms around me.

  "What are we going to do while the squad is gone?" She asks, twirling a piece of my brown hair around her finger. I smile at her.
"Maybe we will make the boys bunks pink—"

Omega gasps, putting a hand over her mouth before giggling.

"We're not going to do that." She states, crossing her arms.
  I roll my eyes, letting out a fake annoyed huff.

"Fine. Well, how about we paint your little clone trooper." I say, taking her toy in my hands. She nods, her large hazel eyes widening with excitement.

  "Then she can be a Batcher!" She exclaims. I can't help but smile: I love this girl, and I will protect her with my life.

(Time skip brought to you by Gonky Droid,) :)

I press my hands flush against the wall above my head, slowly leaning forward and stretching out my shoulders.

  Gonky warbles, and Omega talks back to him. She is sitting in her bombers bay, using a sponge to press grey paint onto her clone trooper, who is slowly starting to look more like a 'Batcher'.

   I remove one hand from the wall, turning and stretching out my chest.

  As I turned to do the other side, I think about Hunter, realizing how petty I must be. Like that teenage girl I used to be, who went around liking each of the boys in our village relentlessly in turn.
   That was while I was still Ava. While I still had that innocence and naivety of a child.

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