Saying Goodbye To Rex

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Hello! Sorry for the inactivity, I should hopefully post more frequently now! Enjoy!

  Not spell checked and word count 1,651

(TW: Not really any. Minor cursing?)

I sit next to Wrecker, rubbing my good hand up and down Omega's back.  Tech has put my arm in a sling, and it is tucked in closely to my body.  Wrecker moves, twisting slightly.  Omega stands, grabbing his hand.  When he doesn't move again, she sighs, plopping back down and resting her head on the bed.  I sigh, looking up at Hunter.  He stands next to Rex, his arms crossed across his chest.

"How long until he wakes up?"  He asks, his eyes moving to the clone Captain.  Rex shakes his head.

"I-I don't know."  He says.  I close my eyes, leaning back in my seat.  The medicine is making me dizzy, and nauseous. I hear the quiet sounds of Rex walking away, and the hushed sound of him speaking to Echo and Tech, their voices barely reaching my ears over the whir of the machines.

"I don't like this, Hunter."  Omega says, speaking to her brother.  I hear him shift next to me, his hand just barely brushing against my shoulder.

"I know, kid.  I don't like it either."

The world slowly fades as I loose consciousness, the sounds of their voices slowly blending together, before disappearing entirely.

(Time skip because Delta is becoming a Tired Momtm and needs her sleep.)

I sit up, gasping for air.  The sound of the machines reminds me where I am, and I let out a breath, collapsing in my seat.

I glance around, the giant form of Wrecker visible as he crouches down, speaking to Omega.  She is frowning, shaking her head at something he said.  He looks down at the ground, ashamed.  She wraps her arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug.  I sigh, standing and making my way over to them.  Omega pulls away from him, giving me a grim smile.

"Hiya, Del!"  She says, gesturing towards Wrecker.  "He woke up!"

Wrecker turns to look at me, his brown eyes filling with dread at the sight of my wrapped arm.  I give him a smile.

"Hey, big guy."  I say, giving him a half hug.  He lets out a shaky breath, wrapping a protective arm around me.

"I'm so sorry Delta,"  He stutters as we break apart.  "I tried to fight it... I-I just wasn't strong enough."

I frown, anger flaring in me at his ashamed eyes.  If the Prime Ministor of Kamino was standing in front of me right now, I would not hesitate to put a knife through his heart.  How dare he rob these men of free will.  How dare he hurt Wrecker.

"It's not your fault, Wrecker."  I assure him, placing my good hand on his shoulder.  He shudders, plopping down on the floor.  Omega clambers down next to him, holding out her dainty hand, revealing a small pile of mantell mix.

"It's a tradition."  She says quietly, making Wrecker smile.

I leave them alone, making my way towards Tech and Echo.  A patch sits on the left side of Tech's head show the result of removing his inhibitor chip.  Echo smirks at me as I plop down next to him, and I raise a single eyebrow.

"What?" I ask.

"How was your nap?"  He asks.  I roll my eyes, crossing my one arm across my chest.

"Absolutely wonderful.  I love being drugged on medication."

He laughs cheekily, his eyes crinkling at the corners.  I can't help but laugh myself: laughing at the absolute craziness of our situation.  My laugh fades at the sight of dark boots sticking out of the surgery machine.  I feel sick, glancing away.  It could only be Hunter.

The girl with a storm in her eyes:  The Bad Batch Fanficحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن