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So uh.. hey guys 🧍‍♀️

Been a few years..

Thinking about getting back into it. Think I want to move away from preferences and start a real fic :)

How does that sound? It's honestly been a year since I've written anything, but I have some ideas. Here! Take this random one shot I wrote see how you like it! Dunno if I still have an audience but thanks anyways!

Might disappear again idk-

Let me know in the comments what you think! About the one shot, about me returning and maybe the kinda stuff you guys want to see! Might start writing for a few other games, but TF2 will always be #1.. ish :3

Date: 16/9/72
Time: who the hell cares

I don't want to do this, the doc made me. Says "Jou've gone mental since zhe mission." What the hell does he know? He ain't a therapist. And if he were one, he wouldn't be my bloody therapist, that's for damn sure. But here I am, listening to the bloody fool.

It's been a month. A fucking month. Everyone thinks she's dead. I know they've discussed the possibility of her being captured and t̶o̶r̶t̶e̶r̶d̶ tortured for info behind my back. She wouldn't break though. She's strong.

Most of them want to move locations because of it. A few of the lads are on my side, including Pauling. So we stay. At least for a few more weeks.

God, this whole thing is just a bloody fucking mess.

Date: 24/9/72
Time: around 1 am probably

Can't sleep. I mean, this isn't anything k̶n̶e̶w̶ new, but I can't get her damn words out of my head. "Don't worry, everything will be fine. I'll see you when we regroup."

They keep floating around my head. Nobody seems as bothered as I am,'cept maybe Scout. I know Pauling hates it too, but she puts her job over everything, so bye-bye Anita.

I miss her. She kissed me before we separated. Haven't told the lads. I have the whole scene replaying over and over and over. We kissed, she reassured me, then she smiled and walked away.

I never got the chance to tell her.

Date: 30/9/72
Time: Go fuck yourself

They're leaving. Those fucking bastards. They even c̶u̶n̶ ̶c̶o̶n̶v̶e̶n̶ convinced Scout to go. The bloody traitors. If it was the other way around, Anita wouldn't hesitate to go looking for any of them.

And now they're leaving. They're off in the morning. I can't go. I w̶a̶n̶t̶ ̶t̶o̶ need to stay here and wait. For how long? I dunno. However long it takes.

No, scratch that, I'm going looking for her. I'm leaving at night.


The alarm blared, forcing Sniper to look up. Shit.

He threw his journal and pen onto his bunk and grabbed his gun. The deafening shriek of the alarms blared through the halls as he scrambled to find someone; anyone. As he turned a corner, he collided with Heavy. Sniper staggered back a few feet before regaining balance.

"Bloody hell, what's goin' on?" He shouted over the noise.
"Intruder at the front gate!" Medic replied from behind Heavy, urging both of the men to continue running.

The three maneuvered through the base, running into Scout and the cyclops on the way. The rest of the team was already on the scene with their weapons drawn, scanning the area for incoming threats.

"Turn off that bloody alarm lass, it'll give me a migraine!"

Miss. Pauling scowled, but reached into her pocket at clicked a remote, deactivating the sound.

"Someone's here. Spread out and find-"

*knock knock knock*

The team went silent.

"They're standing at the door, how come the sentries didn't go off?" Scout whispered. Everyone looked at Engie.

"They've either been destroyed or disabled," Engie whispered back.

"Well shit."

They knocked again, although it sounded much weaker.

Scout made a move towards the door, but Spy grabbed his shoulder.

"Are you insane, boy?" He hissed, "It's obviously a trap!"

Scout scoffed and jerked his shoulder out of the Frenchman's grip. "If they were gonna attack us, why haven't then done it already?" Scout argued, causing everyone to shush him.

"This is ridiculous. Move, I'll answer the door." Sniper huffed, pushing past Scout and Spy. The whole team protested, but nobody held him back.

He slowly approached the door, noticing the shadow outside as he got closer. He felt his heart race faster with each step, until he stopped in front of it.

He adjusted his grip of his rifle, before grabbing the knob. He breathed in deeply, before swinging it open and pointing his gun at the person.

The sun poured in, hindering his vision slighty before quickly adjusting to the bright light as he looked through his scope.

Once Sniper saw the face clearly, his heart sped up. He lowered his gun and blinked.

"A.. Anita?" He whispered, tears flooding his eyes.

Anita smiled faintly. "Hello, Mick," she said weakly, before collapsing into Snipers arms.


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