Preference 32 :)

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QUESTION: would you guys want to do a Q/A with me? I saw something similar on tumblr, and I thought it was a fun idea lol. Maybe I'll do a Q/A including me and the mercs as well! Let me know what you think
How the mercs react to you getting cancer and what happens when you recover.

The official request just said "illness" so I just narrowed it down to cancer because it makes it easier to write

I know a few people who've had cancer, and thankfully they've all recovered. I can't say my friendship/relationship was altered very much because of it, so I don't know if I'm writing these correctly. Please tell me if something is weird or incorrect!

Requested by NarratorMoonBlood !

WARNINGS: might mention sensitive subjects (sorry, I don't know if this is a sensitive topic)

When you broke the news to Scout, he thought you were playing with him. He let out a nervous laugh and told you it wasn't a funny joke. When you started tearing up, he knew you were being serious.

He quickly apologized and pulled you into his chest. While you were getting treatments, Scout became more quiet and anxious. He was more affectionate, and made sure he held you more often.

When you started getting better, Scout slowly did too. He started acting like his normal-self more often, and that improved both of your moods. Finally, when the doctor declared you cancer-free, scout jumped with joy and fully returned to his energetic self.

Snipers eyes filled with tears as you told him your diagnosis. He didn't know how to react, other than pulling you closer and crying together in silence.

Sniper became a very distracted man throughout this time. He would often zone out, and would stare into space for long periods of time. It broke your heart to see him like this

When you were in the process of recovering, Sniper tried take you camping as often as possible; making sure you still made it to the doctors for your treatment. Being in the wilderness was calming for both of you. When he was camping, he went back to his usual self.

When you were finally cancer-free, you two spent the whole day cuddling and lazily talking with each other. He couldn't stop smiling for a few days after that.

The Spy's expression changed from shocked, to relaxed. The lack of a reaction from him made you tear up. Spy quickly explained that he actually knew about a cure the government had secretly been hiding.

He said the government only sold the cure to the richest and most powerful people; and that's why most of the population doesn't know about it.

After a few phone calls, threats and bribes, you two finally got a hold of the cure. Within a few days, you were 100% cancer-free.

After you told him what was wrong, Soldier carefully picked you up, and ran to the nearest hospital. He demanded that they cured you, and threatened everyone in order to make it happen.

It worked, and you two eventually got your hands on the cure. Everything happened so fast, you didn't really have time to question anything. It all seemed like a really long and bad dream.

When you started explaining what was wrong, Engineer started crying, which made you cry too. When you finished talking, he wiped your tears, gave you a sad smile and said, "There ain't no point in bein' sad if you're gunna be cured, darlin'."

The whole time, Engineer tried his best to stay positive. His energy and emotions were contagious, and really helped the both of you get through the experience.

When you were declared cancer-free, he laughed and started crying with joy. He closed the shop for a few days, just to enjoy his time with you.

Pyro didn't understand what you were saying at first. He didn't understand why you were sad. He didn't understand why you started crying. When it finally got through to him, it broke his heart. He took off his mask and hugged you. The more he thought about it, the more upset and angry he became.

He asked you to drive him to the hospital, and told you not to ask why he had his axe. You didn't ask any questions, and drove him. Upon arrival, he told you to wait for him in the car. He went inside, and came out in few minutes.

He silently got in the car and handed you a cure. Confused, you asked what it was, and he told you it was the cure. Few days later, everything went back to normal.

When you broke the news to him, he started sobbing. You both started crying together.

Throughout your treatment, Demo became more responsible, and tried his best to clean up his act. He always kissed and hugged you longer; like it was the last time he'd ever get to do it again.

He took care of you, and stayed completely sober doing it. After you go to bed, sometimes he'd have a couple of drinks, and a few quiet sobs. But he never gets drunk.

When you were 100% recovered, he was so happy that he started doing a little dance. He even kissed the (very male) doctor.

Medic actually discovered the cancer when he was doing a regular check up on the whole team. He told you not to worry though, because he had actually created a cure.

Within no time, you were cancer-free. You asked Medic about his cure a few days later, and he explained that he created it many years ago, and had actually sold it to the government. Weird.

When you told him your diagnosis, you saw Heavy cry for the first time. He pulled you into his chest and you two cried together.

It was short-lived though, because he suddenly remembered that his friend had actually created a cure for the disease.

One call later, you got the cure. Bip, bap, boom, you were healthy again!


(And sorry for the mistakes, I didn't have much time to edit lmao)

I have a laptop, so I'll try and post a few times; but it won't be often.

I don't think I'll be able to post for New Years, so I'll see you all NEXT DECADE HAHAHA :)

Ok I'm sorry for that joke-

If you have any requests or writing tips then feel free to comment! I hope you enjoyed the chapter! 🥰😍

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