Preference 28 :)

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WARNING: This chapter mentions self harm, and I understand it can be very triggering for some people. I personally have never experienced this, so I am sorry if something is incorrect or completely exaggerated. Mental health is very important, so if you ever need to talk to someone, my messages are always open.

I honestly have no idea how to portray this, but I just hope it's not completely stupid/incorrect.

Their reaction to you admitting you've self harmed before. (I hope that makes sense)

Requested by Chreeios363

WARNING (again): mentions of self harm. If you ever need to talk, my messages are open.

Scouts expression was a mixture of sadness and shock. For once, he was at a loss of words. He didn't want to ask you what happened; at least not yet. He didn't say anything as he pulled you close and squeezed you tight.

You both stayed like this for a while, just swaying in each other's embrace. When he finally let you go, he started unwrapping the bandages around his hand; revealing many of his own scars. You both sat down and held each other in silence, until the two of you eventually fell asleep.

Snipers eyes filled with tears when you explained what you did to yourself. He couldn't believe someone who had helped him through so much, someone who made his life so much better, had a reason to do something like that.

He made sure he told you how much he loves you, and made sure you knew how important you are. He made sure to say I 'I love you' more often.

Spy was shocked to see the marks on your beautiful skin. He asked who had hurt you, and when you said it was yourself, he asked why you would do such a thing.

He made sure to listen intently to everything you said. He held you close, and let you cry into his chest; suit be damned.

Soldier actually sat down with you and discussed how important mental health is. He said he's seen too many good soldiers take their own lives, and he'll be damned if he lets you do the same.

He freaked out when you started crying, and stiffened up when you hugged him. He almost instantly hugged you back though, and said, "I'll never let anyone hurt you. That includes yourself, there can be no exception."

Engineer sucked in a breath, unsure how to respond. He studied your skin quietly, then asked what happened. He said he didn't want to push you, but he needed to know if it was his fault.

That made you tear up, which made him tear up as well. You both sat down together and had a long discussion. He eventually fell asleep with his hand resting on your scarred skin.

Pyro didn't understand what you were telling him. He couldn't under why you -someone who was so kind and amazing- would do that to yourself.

Once you explained everything to him, he quickly confiscated every sharp object in the house, and burned them. It was endearing, in a strange way.

Demo looked hurt. He thought he was the reason, and started crying. That made you cry, which made him even more sad. It took a while for you to convince him that it wasn't his fault.

While he was trying to calm down, he joked about the two of you being one big mess together. He decided not to push you for answers, and held you close for the rest of the day; making sure you knew how much he love you.

Medic was horrified. He thought he was the cause, and asked what he did wrong. His heartbroken face made you burst into tears, and that made the doctor tear up as well.

When you explained that is wasn't his fault, he pulled you close and quietly sobbed. He said he can't, and refuses to lose you. He told you he was an open ear to any of your problems, and now he asks you about your day every night.

Heavy understood what you were going through. He sat you down next to him and told you he was with you no matter what, and that he'd always be there for you.

He told you one of his sisters had gone through something similar, and he would tell them these crazy stories to distract them from their problems. So now, whenever you feel bad, you ask him to tell you a story. He has never failed at making you feel better.

I honestly cannot stress how much mental heath is important! Please reach out to a trusted friend/family/person and tell them what you're going through!

This is my first time ever writing something that so... dark? I don't want to say dark/angst but I don't know what else to call it. Please tell me if something is weird, or wrong or anything, I'm not used to writing stuff like this!

So I'm sorry if this chapter is bad!! Hope you can forgive me, I'm not good at writing this!! 😬

ALSO IMPORTANT: I have bad grades right now, and my parents are kinda strict. That means I will probably be punished over break, which means I can't update as often :((( I don't know if this will happen for sure, but it's just a warning :(

If you have any requests or writing tips then feel free to comment them! I rreeeallllyyy hope you enjoyed the chapter! ❤️❤️

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