a new start

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Angelina - a week later I came to New York, to start a new life without Damian. But I'm not anymore the same woman I used to be.

And I shifted to a cozy apartment with my best friend.

I really miss Damian and Amy

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I really miss Damian and Amy. But it is for their best.

Grace(best friends)- how are you feeling angel?

Angelina - honestly speaking, I'm struggling. I miss them so much. But I need to stick with my decision. It's for their best.

Grace- I believe in you. Did they contacted you?

Angelina - yes I'm in contact with Amy.

Grace - it's been three months angel. I can see you are crying at night.

Angelina - what can I do grace. Wait I received a text.

It's from Damian.

Message - I love her against reason, against promise, againt peace, against hope, against happiness against all discouragement that could be - a quote by Charles Dickens.

Damian is sending me quotes daily.

He is constantly trying....

Recently I started writing a novel. It's almost done. And my inspiration is Damian.

It's our contemporary fairy tale. I'm not properly sleeping anymore.

Next morning......

Morgan - good morning angel. Please turn on your TV and watch channel 4.

Angelina - what's happening? I turn on the TV and Damian is on press conference with grandma.

Reporter - Mr. Knight you are the most generous man in London. Why are you so involved in charity ?

Damian - because everyone deserves a chance in life. And I'm also trying to be a better person.

Reporter - is that to set a good example for your younger sister Amy?

Damian - she is my example and I'm learning a lot from her.

Angelina - awe that's so sweet of him. And he continued.

Damian - but I must admit a particular woman is inspiring me and encouraging me to be better.

Reporter - oh who is she? Are you dating someone?

Damian - yes she is my wife. And I'm taken.

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