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"Please lay on your back", the monitoring person handed Yu Yan's head gear.

Yu Yan's mind returned and calmly wore the gear that looked like an aesthetic helmet-slash-crown. The lid of the pod appeared as he laid down, constructing itself until a variety of spontaneous data and charts flashed on the glass screen over Yu Yan's body. The pod looked similar to a medical pod, but it was one used solely for monitoring, and first aid.

It was said that this type of head gear was the new design for the new terminal—an immersive type that could bring a new world into being. Only, its use was monopolized by the nobles and the military families...or so it says at the forums.

Yu Yan's interest in these machines did not dwindle in the slightest. The fact that they could connect to the brain waves of a person and possibly prevent body deterioration and control illnesses in the pod while the human consciousness is inside the virtual world excited him to no end.

He only stared at the monitoring person who was tapping lightly at the holographs outside his pod for a few more seconds before his vision darkened and he felt his consciousness wander.

"Consciousness transferring in... three, two, one..."

Yu Yan vaguely heard the countdown until the voice was replaced by the sound loud wind. The wind whistled until it softened and sound itself eventually disappeared. It was the complete sound of silence, as if standing in a vacuum. However, although he could not see the edges, he somehow could perceive the far dark walls that were simply just 'there'.

In the dark room, a long pathwalk appeared in front of the rock's vision. It stretched towards him until it passed underneath him, making him turn around. The small road stretched in what seemed to be an endless while.

Soon, the feeling of solitude vanished and Yu Yan raised his wariness.

A wooden mannequin with no face and a bald head slowly and noiselessly emerged from the fog that who knows when appeared.

When it has fully emerged from the fog, the doll paused. All of a sudden, it vanished in the blink of an eye—


Yu Yan's pupils shrank as he bent his legs down to duck away from the hard wooden leg that ran past the top of his head. If he ducked a few seconds later, his neck bones might've fractured.

He laid his hands on the floor, twisted his body, and countered with a momentum-filled kick of his own. The wooden doll was straight at where the adam's apple should be if it were male. It was forced a few meters back. It paused yet again as if computing. Slowly, another faceless mannequin came from the fluctuating fog, and together they synchronously took a pre-attack stance.

Yu Yan straightened himself and unconsciously smiled. This was exciting! Before the dolls could, a certain rock initiated the fight himself...

Outside the rooms and in the lobby, huge holographic screens were playing the live fights inside the virtual world. Everyone not only eyed their competitors in wariness, but also compared fighting styles.

Every student applicant here more or less came from a military family, or is a disciple or subordinate recommended by a combat master or a military person in the army. Even if they weren't, they were still somehow related. Even though certain personages and these families tend to keep their fighting and training techniques to themselves, it didn't mean that nobody wouldn't recognize their fighting style. Also, most did have similar styles because of academies like Margaux that taught such a course.

As such, one particular student's fighting style was so similar to the royal family's that the number of students who were part noble strayed far away from his holographic screen. Cold sweat dripped down their backs. Those that had terrifying guesses in their hearts decidedly ignored the person in fear of getting implicated for knowing too much.

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