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Sector O.pA-16; The Triton warship in the middle of transit—

"I am surrounded by internet addicted uncles~", Kenji grumbled into a sigh.

He cleaned up the messy parts in the hangar and the scattered devices and gadgets that were left alone in the canteen. They said that children pick up from the bad habits of adults but it seems that adults also pick up from the bad habits of children.

Yu Yan: Achoo! Excuse me~ ( ꈍᴗꈍ)

All while the rowdy group of pirates cheered and bantered as they worked hard to make the Captain's child rank first in poll of cutest babies in the new entertainment platform created by Feng group called Wǔ Yè.

It was yet another day of questioning his profession for Kenji—

Was he a star pirate or was he a kindergarten teacher cleaning up after messy pirates?

He paused for a moment, suddenly reminiscent of his past self. Kenji had grown up in the slums of a poor star. A poor orphan that had escaped from getting sold by the orphanage's director by burning said man's hair from his head. He often starved during the early days when he had to fend for himself alone. When he grew up to be big enough to get a job, it was endless cleanings he did, from dirty kitchens wares to muddy floors to grimmy places.

To him, it feels quite ironic how even now, as a pirate, he's still cleaning, despite the Triton being exceptionally cleaner than any place in the slums. However, he never hated the skill that used to earn him enough to eat.

He thought that he'd live the rest of life as a street rat. He'd probably die from getting stabbed in the back which was why he was always on-guard and stiff when people approach him from the back. Things were bound to change, of course, when the Trites picked him up.

Or rather, when Quinn picked him up.


By the collar of his shirt—

Quinn: Captain, look what cute thing I found! This homeless thing was abandoned in a small box, what a poor thing!

Nyx: ....

Quinn: Don't worry, Captain! I'll feed it and play with it and bathe it! I'm a grown up now, I'll take responsibility for it!

Nyx: ....

Quinn: We can name it Xiao Ji~ And I'll take him with me while we raid different ships and planets and run away from the empire's police~ We'll have so much fun, won't we, Xiao Ji?

Nyx: ....Quinn, that's a human boy.

Quinn: Yeah~! Isn't it so cute?!

Kenji, who was folding the recycled boxes and cleaning up the trash bins:

Unaware, Kenji had a nostalgic smile as he walked around the ship, carrying a mop and a portable automatic mop washer, one in each hand.

Oh. He needed to change the water from the washer, he thought offhandedly.

Behind him was a man hiding at a distance.

Quinn, the man that stormed into Kenji's life, peeked from behind the corridor, only to witness Kenji nonchalantly use the mop that he just used to wipe the floor to wipe the windows and walls of the hallway as if the mop was an all-for-one cleaning tool.

Yu Yan if he knew: (;;→_→)

Nyx if he knew: (╬→_→)

However, Quinn was unbothered. More importantly, he was preoccupied with making sure his mission would not fail!

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