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With not a single spec of guilt at over-teasing his system, yet again, into hibernation mode, Yu Yan exited the doors of the café; the small bells chiming on the top of the glass doors as it swung.

In his mind, he pictured caressing a small lump of fluffy light. He thought to reduce teasing his system, but it was effective in keeping it up-to-date, so he might not stop so soon after all.

Every month, a certain amount of credit points was given to all students, varying depending on each student's academic results. However, even the lowest achieving student were still given enough points to get by daily activities if they were thrifty. Yet to ambitious people who had dreams of making it big and becoming one of the legends that attended Margaux, something like a handful of change could definitely not afford dreams.

In addition, the majority of the academy's student tenants were as much ambitious as they come.

Though Yu Yan wasn't overly ambitious, he still wanted to live a good and easy life, and the power to have establish that required money—well, credit points, that is.

It would be best to have established his source of 'income' before classes officially start. Thinking this way made Yu Yan all the more frustrated. He was so sure that this was the place. Maybe the info that ad he found in Prowler Net wasn't reliable in the end...

No, no. He'd checked the IP and its authenticity! Why would he do something as dumb as doubt his own abilities? Perhaps the source itself was merely someone's awful prank.

"At least the pathwalk's pretty", Yu Yan muttered as he trekked along a tree-lined sidewalk.

The small beautiful golden blossoms swayed and littered the path like a carpet or gold. He wouldn't doubt if this place was dubbed as one of the more popular dating spots in the academy.

Yu Yan paused to gaze at the swaying trees above him, "It almost looks—"


A random person bumped into Yu Yan. Before he could get a good look at the person, the person dramatically fell on his back, groaning whilst protecting a box-like package in his hand, that almost looked as if he was holding a Simba lion cub, but lying down.

"—Romantic", Yu Yan finished.

Gazef, sneezing in sudden jealousy: ????

"Are you—", Yu Yan dramatically gets cut off again as another person runs to the fallen person.

"Oh my goodness, are you alright?" The concerned senior student lady bent down to check on him and soon their eyes met and the two people paused for a long while.

Yu Yan, looking left and right at person A and person B: Oh, wow. Please continue ignoring me, I'm very much having fun impersonating a lamp post!

『 Xiao Ba, Xiao Ba, do you have popcorn? Oh right—you were updating~ Damn~ 』

"Can you stand?" The girl grabbed the box and pushed it into Yu Yan's arms, as if stacking all obstacles to one side.

With his hands finally free, the fallen person carefully held hands with the concerned lady.

Yu Yan, obediently holding the package: ... I don't even know how to react to this. They better pay me for my 'holding' services.

"M–My tailbone hurts", the man who fell looked in pain but shyly answered the older sister.

Yu Yan suddenly felt bad at thinking these two were a little bit dramatic. Maybe it really did hurt a lot, so much it might have bruised—

"Oh no! Is your tailbone broken?! Let me bring you to the school hospital! You poor thing!"

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