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"The art of war lies in thwarting the enemy's plans, in breaking up his alliances, and then, only then, in attacking his army", Yu Yan whispered to the quiet forest the teaching of Sun Zi that his father General had once told him. He smiled softly at the memories that came fondly to his mind.

In the cover of the receeding night, Yu Yan and Chen WangZhi followed behind the returning group to their post. There were lookouts but they were easily distracted by Chen WangZhi and his monkey sounds. In the meantime, Yu Yan sneaked behind everyone and crawled towards the bushes behind the post.

On his way, he passed by a clump of bags that made the mischief in his eyes shine. Such an improvised plan wouldn't hurt their main plan after all~

"All is fair in love and war la~"

Chen Wangzhi dragged the attention of the other team here and let Yu Yan get close to the post. Yu Yan would use his teammates' terminal to tap upon the post's scanner to make it seem like it was malfunctioning.

The first post that Yu Yan and Chen WangZhi targetted was a tool-disposing post that provided small trinkets and electronics. Yu Yan eyed the pieces but repressed his curiousity and pirate instincts to ensure the plan's implementation. But rather than feel ashamed, he was a little proud for having such an urge to steal and hoard. A tiger does not father a dog after all. It was his proof that he was little pirate in disguise as a student.

Dad would be proud of me if he knew I had the makings of a pirate...

Suddenly, Yu Yan stopped moving and glanced back again at the little electronic parts in the distance.

But Quinn would be prouder if I could prove it... One missing item wouldn't hurt anyone...

Every post has a receiver at the top that detects the signal and electromagnetic waves of each individual terminal. Since the body acts as a medium as soon as the terminal is worn, the whole person is allowed inside the post's scope based on its programming.

With some tinkering with his terminal and the hidden post they had found, Yu Yan was able to get read access permissions to the post's main code chunk. From this, he found the reason why the pre-test was designed to have only one team channel available for each group. Yu Yan had always been curious why the test organizers didn't completely disable the communications channel or their terminals when they landed into the island. Despite the information being so irrelevant, this question had always stayed with him, along with the many questions bank in his brain out of his strong spirit of inquiry.

What he found was that besides the need for the team's internal comms, team channels also 'communicated' to each post. Each channel being utilized by each team had their own unique identification tagging that was converted into frequency signals that the post could understand. Thus, when terminals of the same frequency comes into the post's territorial field, it could detect when to form a field around itself, however, there was also the loophole that Yu Yan had found.

Unworn terminals could still influence the post with or without the medium as long as it was within its scope. The trigger was only to scan at least one terminal on the post to rewrite the identification tagging that triggered the force field. Although there will be no points for terminals that have not been scanned on the post, the field will still be influenced by the frequency regardless and will be enabled.

Hidden under the crowns of trees, Yu Yan took out the grass string that Gazef had put together and covered with pine tree sap. The sap made the string more durable and stronger, as well as flammable in times of their need. Yu Yan had tied Gazef's terminal on a tree branch that loomed above the post's scope without letting it enter the field dome of influence. The rest of his team member's terminals were strapped around his arm.

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