Chapter Eleven

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"Do you want to come for a swim?" Charlotte teased as she made short of her tank top, revealing a bikini top underneath.

Aiden wiped the sweat off his forehead as the sun beat down on him. Heaving, he stared at the beautiful girl  in the breathtaking panorama. Charlotte hadn't exaggerated when she had listed off Joffre Lake's attributes.

The snow-crested mountains glistened as they stood in solidarity around the turquoise lake—a marvel of nature itself. The feel of the fresh air, the earthy scent and the bird songs were something no storyteller could replicate. Aiden felt his weary soul rejuvenate.

"Aiden," Charlotte called as she kicked her khaki shorts aside. "Come on. Take a dip with me."

His left leg was sore from the strenuous hike. He said, "You go ahead. I will watch. You know I like watching you."

A giggle followed a gentle splash. Aiden watched Charlotte swim under the water before breaking the surface.

"The water is cold. It's so refreshing against this heat," Charlotte cried as she started to float on her back. Gazing skyward, she remarked, "Man, this is life."

Smiling at her unfazed enthusiasm, Aiden sat down on the shore, not too far away from a fallen log, which somehow acted as a bridge into the belly of the lake. Taking out his cell phone, he started a video to capture this moment of stolen serenity.

Charlotte continued to be playful in the water. At one point, she stuck her tongue at him. He caught it all. It didn't take long for the allure of water to entice him. They swam and kissed until they were too tired to move a limb. After a hearty meal, both of them trekked back to where they had left their car.

Once back at their cabin, a couple of hours away, Charlotte went to the pit and created the bonfire. Aiden stared at the churning embers as they dissipated into the air. A contemplative silence engulfed them. The trip to Canada had been the salve that had lifted his spirits ever since his firing. Actually, it was Charlotte who had been slowly seeping into his life.

They had already spent four days together exploring Vancouver, from frolicking on its sandy beaches to learning the First Nations' history. His favourite spot had been Capilano Suspension Bridge. The behemoth had swayed like a mad pendulum with gushing water below.

"What are you smiling about?" Charlotte's voice intruded on his thoughts.

"Nothing," he replied rather too quickly.

Charlotte rolled her eyes. "And I am supposed to believe you?"

"You are a stubborn thing, aren't you?" He chuckled.

"I don't hear you complaining about my stubbornness when we are in bed, Aiden," Charlotte countered with a smile of her own.

He stirred at her insinuation. The Canadian nights had been off the charts. They had been even hotter than the London ones. They had made love every single day under the starry sky. The glass roof of their cabin allowed plenty of celestial light to make love in the dark. 

His work had occupied most of his time to invest in a proper relationship. It felt weird to know every contour and many sensitive spots of someone's body. As of now, Aiden knew how Charlotte took her coffee or how she hated wet bathrooms. She loved pop music with no qualms about who judged her. However, she was a terrible singer but nonetheless a strong swimmer and a darn good photographer.

"Is this an invitation for a romping session?" Aiden cocked his head.

"Ha! A lady doesn't beg." Charlotte winked.

Aiden stood and banked the fire without any warning.

"What are you doing? We have just sat down."

"We are taking the party to the bed, Lola," he said, tugging her up.

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