Chapter one

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Charlotte took a deep breath.  She stood before a brownstone building in an upscale neighbourhood.

It was a step up for someone on the police payroll―or someone who used to be. Aiden Connor had retired with full honours, as far as rumours went. However, murmurs persisted that James, her brother, had pulled some strings as a payback for his false arrest.

Trepidation crept up her spine. Hastily, she discarded them. There was no time for doubts. The nightmares were getting worse. The fateful event had happened almost a year ago, and here she was in the middle of summer, still suffering.

Charlotte wanted closure. She wanted her life back. But how did a person recover from being held at gunpoint by a lunatic?

The whole thing haunted her, especially the ear-deafening sound of the bullets being fired. The scandal and turmoil afterward had paled in comparison. James had been her rock throughout it all, but there was only so much he could do. Besides, she couldn't confide in him about her nightmares. It would worry him to no end. He had been through enough already.

There was no one she could turn to, not even Amelia, James' fiancée. She never hid things from him. The past had brought them closer. Now, her mother, Anna Weston, was a different story. The woman was about tough love. So, this was the only way.

Charlotte rang the buzzer. A minute passed. Nothing.

She pushed the buzzer again. Still, there was no response. He was home. His Range Rover was parked outside. After another minute had passed, she knocked on the door. Was he avoiding her?

Suddenly, the door opened. "Slow down. Where is the fire..." Aiden's voice trailed off when his grey eyes landed on her and grew wide in utter shock.

The sight of him sent her heart into somersaults. What was it about him that made her feel alive? Perhaps, his devil-may-care attitude.

Last summer, when he had cornered her to extract information about James' alleged criminal wrongdoing, Charlotte had been captivated by him. Nonetheless, she had defended her brother. And rightly so, as the real culprit had been found out later on.

"H-hi." She licked her dry lips.

"I have nothing to say to you." Aiden scowled, moving to close the door.

"No. Wait!" Charlotte wedged her foot in the doorway, launching herself against the door to keep it from slamming in her face.

"Listen, if your brother finds out you are here. He will have me in for harassment. However, he did lose a few million, so he can't have the same clout as before." Aiden's expression darkened. "His bruised ego took everything from me. Now go away."

"It will only take a few minutes." She reddened when a couple of passers-by shot them curious glances. This felt like a déjà vu.

"Please leave before I call the cops. If I still were one, I would arrest you on the spot for trespassing. Oh, wait, your brother, who is chummy with the mayor, made sure I am  not," Aiden bit out. He gave the door a forceful yank which made Charlotte lose her balance.

Her hands flailed, trying to break the fall but to no avail. The impact against the concrete knocked out her breath.

"Oh shit. Look what you made me do." In frustration, Aiden ran his hand through his copper hair  as he stepped out to help her. His gait, a little ungainly.

The rumours were true. He limped. And it was all her fault. Before Charlotte could think any further, she was pulled to her feet by a strong pair of arms. Her breath hitched at the whiff of his aftershave―bergamot and lemon. It reminded her of heaven and trouble.

Summer Wild ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora