Chapter | 1

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"Nol, Nol, wake up." I opened my eyes, blinking the sleep out of them before looking into the soft, green pair staring back at me.

"I don't wanna." I said sleepily.

"I know but we gotta get to school." My older sister Sofia said, pulling her platinum blonde hair into a messy bun.

I groaned, but reluctantly got up and got dressed. When I was finished I stared at myself in the mirror, taking in my blue eyes, and unruly brown curls that never did what I wanted them to, no matter how hard I tried.

I had on a black sweatshirt with a black and red flannel over the top paired with jeans. It was only the beginning of October, but we lived in Wisconsin so it was already starting to get cold out. Satisfied with my appearance I slowly made my way down to the kitchen.

In the kitchen I found my older brother Matthew pouring himself some coffee while Sophi and my twin sister Nicole sat at the table eating cereal.

We were twins, but we looked nothing alike. She had thick, straight, blond hair where mine was curly and brown, like I said earlier. She was also shorter, and I was tall and lanky. The only thing that made as look alike were our piercing blue eyes. They were exactly like our moms. They were, and would always be the one feature that we shared.

"Good morning!" Nicole chirped as I poured myself a bowl of Frosted Flakes.

That girl is way too perky for a Wednesday morning.

"Morning." I mumbled before taking a bite of cereal.

"Okay, I've got to head to work guys, you all good here?" Matthew asked, grabbing his keys off the kitchen counter.

"Yeah we're good. Have a good day!" Sophi answered.

"You too." He said walking out the door. He was just about to close it when he suddenly spun back around, his dark blue hues finding my paler ones. "Don't forget to take your meds Nolan." He said, giving me a pointed look while gesturing to the pill bottles lined up on the counter.

"I will. Don't worry." I said, giving him a small smile before turning my attention back to my bowl of cereal.

Eventually Nicole and Sophi both left to go grab stuff for school, or finish getting ready, so it was just me. When I was done eating I set my bowl in the sink and walked over to the fridge, quickly grabbing a bottle of water to take my pills with. I sighed, scanning the list on the counter for which meds I was supposed to take today.

About a year ago I was diagnosed with cancer, leukemia, to be exact. So the last year had basically consisted of doctor appointments, treatment plans, hospital stays, and the occasional blood transfusions. It had been hard but luckily my family had been there for me, and I honestly don't think I would have made it this far without them.

I was currently doing outpatient treatment and was on my 4th cycle out of 8. Outpatient was nice because that meant I didn't have to go to the hospital everyday. I had chemo for 1 week and then 2 weeks off to give my body a break before the next cycle because each one got harder.

Unfortunately, this week I had chemo, and it always made me feel sick and tired. Which was really fun seeing that I had to go to school and football practice.

I had just finished taking the last pill when Sophi walked in, her backpack and car keys in hand. "You done?" She asked.

I nodded, taking a quick sip of water before responding, "Yep, I just got to grab my backpack and then we're good to go."


15 minutes later we were walking into school.

"Hey man what's up?" My best friend Grayson asked, leaning against the locker next to mine, and brushing his blond hair out of his eyes

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