Chapter | 15

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• G R A Y S O N •

My eyes snapped over to the garage door as it suddenly slammed open. Familiar voices and laughter filling the kitchen. Lindsay walked through the door followed by Nicole and Hailey who supported what seemed to be a very drunk Lexi.

I looked over at Nolan who's face held a look of something between shock and confusion as he stared at Lindsay. His eyes wide and jaw slack as he seemed to be processing her sudden appearance.

"Ow! I think you just broke my arm!" A voice I knew all too well broke me from my trace.

"Relax I barely even touched you. Gosh, you're such a drama queen." William rolled his eyes as he walked through the door, a very angry looking Asher following him, but when he saw Nolan his mood completely flipped.

"Hey Nolan! How are you feeling?" He asked, taking a seat on one of the barstools next to Nolan.

I just rolled my eyes. I swear he's bipolar at times.

"Umm a little better." Nolan said, eyeing Lindsay nervously.

She was standing a few feat away by the kitchen table. She seemed engrossed in a conversation with Nicole and Hailey who were still holding up a drunk Lexi.

I looked back over at Nolan, who had a look of concern on his face as he took in Lexi's current state. He seemed to be noticing her for the first time. Probably because he's too busy staring at his future girlfriend. I thought, internally smirking.

"What happened?" He asked no one in particular, gesturing to Lexi, his eyebrows furrowing together in concern.

"Lexi got drunk." Hailey said stupidly.

Me and Nolan both rolled our eyes. We were going to need a little more than that. "I can see that. I mean what happened? I thought you were going to keep an eye on her and make sure she didn't drink." He said.

"Well we tried to, but then she wandered off and by the time we found her she was like this." Nicole said, gesturing to Lexi who just looked at me and giggled.

"How the heck do 5 people lose someone?" He asked angrily.

I frowned at his tone. Nolan rarely got worked up over things. Out of everyone in our friend group he was normally the calmest. Why was he acting like this?

"Nolan relax she'll be fine. It's okay." Nicole tried to reassure.

"No, it's not okay." He stood abruptly from his chair, exercising his freakishly long legs as he took 3 quick strides towards his twin. "What if you couldn't find her huh? What if she wandered off and someone took advantage of her, or even worse what if she got in her car and tried to drive home?" He asked, his voice wavering slightly as he asked the last question.

I sucked in a sharp breath as did Nicole. So that's what this was about.

Since Nolan and Nicole's parents had died their whole family had been very cautious about drinking, seeing that it had been a drunk driver who had hit and killed their parents. I don't think any of their older siblings had even had a sip of alcohol in the last 4 years.

He didn't want to lose Lexi like he lost his parents.

I could tell from Nolan's face, and body language, that he was upset. He had his fists clenched into tight balls, while his eyes were ice cold, but if you looked hard enough you could see the unshed tears.

I looked around the room, taking in the scene before me. Hailey and Nicole looked down at the floor guiltily while Asher and William looked anywhere but at Nolan. Lindsay, however, looked angry herself. Which confused me. What did she have to be mad about?

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