Chapter | 8

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Thursday morning I woke up with a awful headache. As got out of bed I groaned, remembering that we were supposed to go bowling tonight. I was really hoping that this headache went away because I had been looking forward to going bowling all week, and I wasn't going to let a stupid cancer side effect ruin it.

After getting ready and eating a piece of toast for breakfast I walked over to the kitchen cupboard that we had dedicated to keeping meds in and grabbed the Tylenol. Don't worry we're not drug addicts or anything we just keep the simple stuff like Advil and Tylenol in there. When I wasn't on chemo all of my meds went in there as well. I downed the pills with some water just as Nicole came bounding down the stairs.

"Good morning!" She said, while grabbing a travel cup to pour some coffee into. I swear my whole family has a coffee addiction. "Want any?" She asked, holding the pot out towards me.

I shook my head, knowing that coffee wouldn't mix well with my headache. Lots of people used caffeine as a way to get rid of their headaches, but whenever I had a headache caffeine just seemed to make it worse. Once Sophi came down and got her coffee we headed to school, me hoping and praying that my headache would go away the whole ride there.


My head was still pounding when me and Grayson walked into our 2nd hour English class.

"Okay so today I want to try something new." Ms. Higgins our English teacher announced.

"I would like to start having you all do daily journals. Each morning you will take 10 minutes at the beginning of class to write about how your feeling, things you're excited about, or even just any random thoughts you've had recently." She said while handing us each a notebook. "This will be graded, but it'll be a private thing. I will come around and make sure that you are actually writing in you're journal, but I won't read it. So feel free to get personal with it. For some of you it may even be a good outlet." She finished, taking a seat at her desk.

I sighed I had never been much of a writer, and I really didn't feel like thinking supper hard right now because of how bad my head hurt. But what could I do it was an assignment and I had to do it. Taking a deep breath I started writing about how I was excited to go bowling tonight. I know it's stupid, but I couldn't think of anything else, and she did say we could write about things we were excited about.

When we were done with our journal entries for the day we moved on and began learning a new grammar rule. I completely spaced out during the lesson, so I don't really know what rule it was. All I knew is that we had No Red Ink due tomorrow morning.

After what felt like an eternity the bell finally rang, and everyone rushed out of the room. Grayson immediately found me and started complaining about the journal thing we were now required to do. "It's so stupid! I don't want to write down my feelings everyday." He said, rolling his eyes while he walked to Geometry with me.

"Tell me about it." I said, just as we arrived at my Geometry room.

"Okay, bye see you at lunch!" He said with a wave.

"See ya." I replied, walking through the door.

I set my stuff down, taking my seat next to Lindsay. Today she was wearing a light pink sweater, with dark wash ripped jeans, and a pair of white converse, her signature gold cross rested on her chest. Her hair was pulled back into a messy bun, a few pieces that had fallen out lined her face.

"Hey, you excited about tonight?" I asked while pulling my pencil out, and trying not to focus on her appearance which I definitely did not care about.

"Oh yeah, very." She said, but I could tell by her expression that she wasn't excited. Something was bothering her.

I frowned my eyebrows furrowing together, "What's wrong?" I asked.

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