Chapter 1: A Strange Beginning

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3rd Person POV:

(Y/n) could be seen standing atop a building in the quiet town of happy harbour overlooking his target about 1 km away in the distance. As he pulled a black balaclava over his head shielding himself from the cool summer breeze that came off the ocean that night. He then grabs his final piece of gear out of a backpack left nearby for him. A black military combat helmet stripped of all markings that his normal SHD gear would have on it for good reason. No one would be seeing him tonight, and if he was unlucky enough to be seen then having an emblem or name on a velcro patch telling anyone who he was would be the last thing he would want.

The helmet was nothing advanced, just a standard ballistic helmet with goggles on top. The remainder of his outfit, standard operator clothing, the shirt and pants were military ones that special forces from the United States would wear on operations. These combined with a standard plate carrier vest were all black and again stripped of markings. The only colour on (Y/n)'s outfit was the orange ring on his ISAC brick strapped to his right shoulder and on the accompanying wrist watch which was the second component to an agent's ISAC system.

(Y/n) grabbed his rifle which spouted a suppressor at the end of a shortened barrel with a standard holographic optic on top, small laser sight on the side and an angled grip on the bottom. (Y/n) always favored this rifle, it's small and compact nature made it ideal for fighting indoors and in close urban environments. For a side arm he had a P226 pistol with a suppressor on the end.

However if everything went according to plan he would half to use either weapon tonight. His target was Dr. Roquette, an American professor taken hostage by the League of Shadows two weeks ago, most likely for her work in nanotechnology. The CIA suspected that the shadows would use Roquette's research for whatever criminal operations they had planned. For (Y/n) it didn't really matter, he loved the rush of combat and he couldn't care less about who he was fighting.

To tell the truth (Y/n) didn't know why the Shadows wanted her. The CIA was monitoring the case and planning a rescue operation when an unknown third party rescued Roquette and disappeared with her. The CIA had no idea where Roquette and her rescuer could have gone but they had a lead on an assassin sent to eliminate her from a mole in the shadows organization. That's where (Y/n) came in, the CIA wasn't allowed to operate on American soil so they cleverly avoided that legal restriction by forming a deal with the SHD. A small team of Division agents would be activated and complete domestic CIA operations and in turn they would have access to CIA information and protection under their 'banner' wherever they travelled internationally. This was incredibly useful as in the time since the deal was formulated the SHD had taken up a role of activity fighting major criminal and terrorist organizations across the globe. This however could only be done with the small group of agents activated to work for the CIA, as the vast majority of the agents were required to stay hidden until needed by the U.S government.

Regardless of the mountain of restrictions and obstacles they faced, the SHD effectively utilized the CIA's resources. With a handful of well crafted and timed "interventions" the SHD carefully orcistrated a series of events that would allow local law enforcement and public heroes like the Justice League take down the organized crime and terrorist groups without any idea that the SHD existed or that they orcistrated the events.

(Y/n) quickly made his way down an alley until he stopped across the street from the high school he tracked the assassin too. Cheshire was the assassin and she was quite good but she wasn't suspecting to be followed so she made little effort to conceal her movement until she was right on top of the school. Given the amount of time it had taken (Y/n) to get into position he assumed Cheshire was already inside.

(Y/n) POV:

I quickly made entry into the school through the main entrance. Having completed high school at an age of 15 thanks to my above average intelligence meant I didn't spend a lot of time in a traditional high school, I was "gifted" and fast tracked into an espionage program until I was old and strong enough to handle the combat programs. A lot of special training from the CIA and SHD programs were something that came with the job. I excelled in both and they both weren't without their own drawbacks. Participating in these programs left me without any friends apart from other agents who are all way older than me and the instructors from the SHD responsible for my combat training. Often veterans from counter terrorist organizations or highly skilled special forces, these people are older than the Division agents they train and are more like parents to me given the death of my biological parents in a car crash when I was 5. These memories flashed through my head as I attempted to recall the training they basically beat into me. Slowly maneuvering through the high school which I could tell a fight had broken out in. The lack of bodies and damage to the school's interior left only one possible option in my mind. I'm dealing with super powered individuals. Most likely the Justice League. My best guess would be they rescued Dr. Roquette from the league of shadows and had stashed her here until they neutralized whatever threat she had been forced to create. So now I've gone from having a 100% chance of success to probably getting thrown around like a rag doll, but I'll never hear the end of it if I call for backup now, so... onward and upward I guess.

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