Chapter 59: The First Wave

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(A/N): Thanks against for everyone's support with this story and I apologize for the delay. School has kept me busy these last few weeks so that is the main reason for the delay.

Believe it or not I have the end of this story in sight. Not written but just a rough plan of how I want things to go. We've still got a lot of ground to cover and this chapter kicks off several chapters that I've been just itching to dive into.

For those of you rooting for Zatanna and (Y/n) to have children and start a biological family of their own, that is in the cards and a lot closer than you think.

I don't believe I've mentioned this before, but I have plans to carry this story past season 4 and into my own unofficial "season 5" as we still have no news on the show being picked up for another season.

Thanks again and I'm not sorry whatsoever for leaving you guys on a cliffhanger for a week and a half.

- MattFromWii


(Y/n)'s POV:

I stared into her eyes, her beautiful blue eyes. I'm certain my own were begging for an answer and if my heart beats any faster I'm going to have a heart attack.

The rapid shallow breaths I'm drawing in are drying up my throat faster than I can comprehend.

Zatanna: "YES!"

Zatanna just blurted it out and still held the starstruck gaze on her face. She slowly extended her right hand and I gently slid the ring onto her ring finger. It fits perfectly, like it belongs there.

I looked up at Zatanna and the tears of joy in her eyes started running down her cheek. I smiled up at her and slowly stood up, taking her hand and pulling her up out of the chair she was sitting in. Her legs almost gave out instantly and I pulled her into my body, wrapping my arms around her waist.

Zatanna's lips found mine instantly, she softly sobbed as she devoured my lips in a loving kiss. I felt the cold metal of the ring press up against my cheek as Zatanna brought her hands to my head.

Without warning or breaking our kiss she jumped up, wrapping her legs around my body. I quickly caught her and secured my hold as she moaned into my mouth.

As Zatanna broke for air she rested her forehead on mine, her breath still rapid and cheeks tear stained.

Zatanna: "I love you, I love you so much."

(Y/n): "I know you do, and I love you just as much."

Zatanna quickly kissed both my cheeks before moving her lips back to mine and exploring my mouth. The cold fall breeze caused her to shiver and press herself into me even more than she already was.

I completely disregarded the hot chocolate set on the tray and brought Zatanna back into the bedroom, kicking the balcony door closed while we continued making out.

We crashed onto the large king size bed. Zatanna ended up on top of me after aggressively taking control of our movements right before we hit the bed.

I let out a groan as she broke our kiss and pushed herself up. Zatanna straddled my crotch as she placed her hand on my chest and stared at the ring.

Zatanna: "It's beautiful. When did you find the time to get it?"

(Y/n): "When we were on vacation in Europe. You went out to get food for our picnic, I snuck out of the hotel and walked to the jewelry shops. I didn't buy it then but I found the one I liked and came back a few weeks later with Kelso. I needed someone to stop me from getting cold feet."

Young Justice: Directive 51 (Male Reader X Young Justice)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora