Chapter 13: Rest

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(Y/n) POV:

The ride to the zeta tubes was long and quiet. Nobody spoke a word and I'm not sure I could've heard them if they were talking. My heads been spinning snd ringing since we left the makeshift prison in the basement. I'm not sure if it's the blood loss or the fact that I'm still struggling to wrap my head around everything. It's probably a bit of both.

Zatanna held my arm the entire ride to the zeta tube. Even when we started walking through the teleporter she reluctantly let go.

I was the last to go through the tube and when I emerged in the cave Zatanna was waiting to help me stand regardless of my opinion on the matter. A few members of the Justice League were waiting for us. They looked upset and Batman looked far angrier than usual.

The Team stood together in front of Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Arrow and Black Canary. Everyone but Batman had a shocked expression on their face when they saw me. I cleaned the blood off of my face and a paramedic bandaged me up but my shirt was still covered in blood and torn to shreds.

Batman: "We know you went to Langley, that was dangerous and reckless. Don't even think about doing something like that again."

The Team explained how they arrested Maxwell and then travelled to a warehouse in Paris where they were ambushed.

Wonder Woman: "Who did this to you?"

Batman and Wonder Woman looked directly at me as I gently pushed myself off of Zee so I could limp forward.

(Y/n): "I didn't pay my restaurant bill so the host came after me..."

Dick, Wally and I laughed at my joke, everyone else wasn't amused and Zee slapped the back of my head.

Zatanna: "That's not funny! You were tortured by him!"

Batman: "By who?"

Zatanna: "Aaron Keener..."

(Y/n): "He's a former SHD agent, retired five years ago. He owns, well I guess owned would be the proper term, several restaurants in Europe and North America. Nice ones, like four and five stars."

Batman: "What was he after?"

(Y/n): "He downloaded something from the Division network, though it will take some time to find out what exact file or files were copied. And before you ask, no I don't know why he did this all of the sudden. I just saw the guy a little over a month ago and he gave us dinner along with introducing us to every high end guest he had that night."

I turned back to face Zee and saw a small smile across her face. She too was thinking back to our date in Paris, though after spending almost 40 hours in the Paris slums getting tortured I'm in no hurry to go back.

(Y/n): "Other agents are following up on Keener but you're more than welcome to try and find him. I doubt you will, he's a master at disappearing and did a lot of CIA wet work back when he worked for them. Now I'm going to have a shower and get some sleep."

I began to limp towards the hallway, Zee ran up and put my arm around her neck helping me walk as my knees gave out.

Zatanna: "Here let me help."

(Y/n): "Thanks Zee."

Artemis was helping Wally in a similar way and together we moved to the medbay under orders from Wonder Woman and Black Canary, who led the way and made sure the beds were ready when we finally limped into the room. The others stayed behind to give a full report to Batman.

Wally and I were laid down on hospital beds in the medbay. The computer scanned both of us checking for injuries. The worst I had was a bruised rib, it would take about 5 weeks to heal and I already knew once Batman found out about it I wouldn't be going on missions. Wally had it slightly better and would be good to go in a week at most.

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