Chapter 45: In the Mind of an Agent

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3rd Person POV:

Zatanna woke up late in the morning to the smell of tea. She abruptly shot up, hoping that the last 24 hours were nothing but a dream. Once she saw M'gann's face she started crying. She curled up into a ball on her bed as her tears fell, soaking (Y/n)'s t-shirt which was several sizes too big for her.

M'gann: "Zatanna, come here."

M'gann moved and sat on the edge of the bed. She pulled Zatanna into a hug as the magician continued to sob uncontrollably.

Zatanna: "I-I'm so cold... the bed is so cold without him."

M'gann: "I know.... I know it hurts."


(Y/n) POV:

Everything went wrong after the artillery strike. Ellie and I woke up on the floor below, covered in debris. I managed to push it off of us, astonishing Ellie. I guess that's a small part of the enhanced strength, somewhat useful.

The Bialyan's breached the embassy and swarmed what remained of the building. When Ellie and I fought our way to the garage we joined up with the remaining marines and embassy staff. Rebecca had come up with a plan to escape, but they would need a distraction to draw fire away from the tank guarding the only exit we could drive out.

Without hesitating Ellie and I volunteered. I tried to convince her to stay with the main group, but she refused and ordered me to not bring it up again. I laughed and reminded her that I outrank her.

We climbed into one of the still functioning SUV's and drove out as fast as we could. We were each given a rifle and as much ammunition as the main group could spare.

Ellie drove out as fast as she could and by sheer luck the first tank shell missed us. I could hear a building collapse behind us as the tank shell exploded.

We weren't lucky enough to avoid the second shot. The tank shell tore through the engine without exploding, leaving us and half our SUV to crash into a building.

Ellie and I scrambled out of the burning car as the tank took aim at us. We grabbed our rifles and backpacks before running down an alley as the tank shot our suv, creating a massive explosion that collapsed the entrance of the alley. We both let out a sigh of relief as for the moment we are safe from attack.

After a few hours of carefully sneaking around the city we found a partially destroyed townhouse that looks abandoned. We slowly moved up to the top floor and descended to camp there for the night. We both know we're not getting out of the country any time soon.

As Ellie took off her helmet and plate carrier she started questioning me on my plan to escape the country. Which is bad because I don't exactly have one yet.

Ellie: "You planning on using that watch to call for help?"

(Y/n): "Normally yes, but it seems to have taken a beating in the embassy. I think it's broken."

As I examined my ISAC watch my heart sank. The face is cracked open and I can see wires poking out. The node on my shoulder isn't in better shape. It's split clean in half and has no light coming from the orange ring, just like my watch.

Ellie: "Well what about your girlfriend? She'll come and rescue us right? Like the Justice League, Superman and Wonder Woman. They do this kind of stuff all the time."

(Y/n): "I'm not sure, Ellie. I want to believe that, I really do. But I feel there are some forces at play here that even the Justice League can't overcome."

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