Chapter 4.

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Xayah's POV

We finally arrived to our new home after HOURS of driving and I will say I am relieved, but right now running on a can of monster at 5 AM is not the way to go. Luckily me and Nila took turns.

Speaking of her, the snoring she is putting down sounds like its about to summon something from the underworld. With that I nudged her, then nudging turned into poking.....then violently shaking.

"W-what", she groggily woke up and stretched her arms and legs.

"Umm we're-"

"Here!!!", she screamed. In five seconds she was already out the car screaming with me looking in disbelief. I hopped out the car and ran towards her.


She stopped jumping around and looked at me. "What is it?", she questioned looking at me like I was the fool.

"Hush! You're going to wake up the neighbors", I yelled while whispering.

"What neighbors?", at that moment I looked around and she was right there wasn't a house in sight just trees.  With me being to observant I listened and it was silence accept for moving water.

"Hmmmm there must be a pond near by", I thought.

"Well we did pass a couple of houses and noise travels around here you never kn-", I stopped talking as my jaw dropped.

"Uhhh you okay, you kinda froze a bit", Nila giggled. I grabbed her shoulders and turned her in the same direction I was looking at.

"What the fu-?"


"Sorry", she pouted .

"Okay...we both see I'm NOT going crazy", I stated.

"Y-yeah", Nila agreed.

At this moment we saw two pairs of glowing eyes one was shining a icy blue while the other was a forest bright green.

I grabbed Nila's hand and squeezed it. "L-lets just go inside", I stuttered. She nodded her head and followed behind me. As soon as we got inside we let out breathes we were holding.

"That was intense!, but we don't have to worry, look at our new house!" ,Nila shouted.

"I will never understand how you can change moods so quickly", I smiled.

"Well my dear it is a gift", she giggled while flipping her hair dramatically.

If you're wondering our house is two story with 4 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms. The outside is painted with Bard Red which gives it a country feeling and has a nice white, wooden bench on the white painted porch on the left. When you walk in there's a tiny hallway for guest to leave there shoes and after that there's an white painted arch door way with (no doors)  and you see the living room which is covered with mahogany wooden floors. Next to the living room is another arch way which leads to the kitchen which has marble counter, a dishwasher, new electronic fridge, a lot of black wooden cabinets. After that is upstairs which has a big hallway with 4 bedrooms which has 2 bedrooms on each side and what i discovered is that there's a half bathroom at the end of the hallway, SCORE!.


"Mhm", I smiled while rolling my eyes, this girl was always excited.

"Sooooo when will the trucks be here with our stuff?", Nila asked

"I think 1-2 days maybe three", I replied

"3 days with no televisionnnn", she whined.

"You'll survive. We have better things to worry about", I yawned

"Yeah like those eyes outside, freakyyyy", she shivered.

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