Chapter 6.

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Sebastian's POV

"Alpha we spotted the visitors, and turns out they live close to the pack," my gamma Ethan said in the mind link.

"What should we do? We can't just let them come near the territory", Cody stated.

"We'll check it out tonight with the rest of the warriors on patrol, then we can assess what happens to them", I mentioned. After that conversation me and Cody left the pack house then shifted into our wolves and headed to wear these new "visitors" would be at.
As soon as we kept getting closer I felt this pit in my stomach getting heavier and my wolf was getting restless which was causing a huge distraction. In that moment Cody slowed down near where we were at.

"I feel...weird. There's this feeling I have and its-"

"Heavy", I interrupted

He growled lowly as we got closer to the land where these visitors were and saw the rest of the warriors and Ethan along with them. Cody and I shifted back to human forms and waited for the report.

"Turns out the visitors are humans, female humans", Cody answered.

I was about to reply but then a guy of wind blew and I smelt something I never smelt before. It was a mixture of cherry blossom and apples and I wanted I needed more and wanted it beneath me.

"Mate", I heard Cody growl

If his was near by then mines must be close as well. However in that fraction of the time we heard a scream and it must've been Cody's mate cause he shifted and ran in an instance. I shifted and followed behind and as soon as we reached the opening the smell of my mate became stronger and that's when we saw them.

"Nila stop screaming you're going to wake up the neighbors!", my mate scolded.

"She'll make a great luna", my wolf Blake responded.

I smirked and admired her from a far then I heard...a purr?

"Whaattt my mates hot! And importantly I found my mate!", Cody said excitingly.

"Well WE found out mates", I stated proudly.

"Congrats dude!"

"You too"

All of a sudden I felt eyes on me and it was our mates looking at us petrified. I never wanted to see her look at me like that and Blake couldn't stop whimpering. Me and Cody could hear them whispering to one another and saw my mate lead them into the house.

"What now?", Cody asked

"I think we can make a stop after training tomorrow", I smirked.

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