Chapter 20

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Xayah's POV

We finally, made it home and the exhaustion was starting to kick in. "Xayah what are we going to do", I hear her whine while flopping on the couch.

"What are you doing", i asked bewildered.  

"Uh laying down duh, I'm so tirrreedd", she whines while lying down.

"You can't be doing that right now! may I remind you we have a whole army who might come after us", I remarked while dragging my face down with my hands. This situation is already stressful 

"Oh yeah but what the hell are we going to do, may I remind you we are below average height women who live alone in the middle of nowhere", she states tiredly "The best we can do is keep watch and take shifts", she says determined. 

"Fine", I head to a closet pantry that's closest to the kitchen, and take out some candles then I light them and shut off all the lights. Nila goes to the broom closet near the front door and grabs two wooden ones.

*SNAP!* "I think these will work nicely with the edges", she says while ogling her work. "Good ide-". I freeze in my words. "Hey! What happened to m-", I tackled Nila to the ground and covered her mouth, and told her to hush then bolted across the living room to shut off the lamp that was last left on. I hear footsteps happening on our porch. 

"Alpha they're inside!", I look at Nila and see the panic in her eyes and motion her to quietly head up the stairs. Once we make it to the top we head inside my room since I know we can escape outside from it. 

"Xay I know this isn't the time to talk right now but did one of them just say Alpha?", she whispers.

"Yeah, so what?", I whisper back

Nila taps me on my arm and points outside and whispers "Well think about it! we are in the forest, wolves, big-ass grown men...

I let go of my breath " fucking way that's just insane and I'm not ready to play the insanity card...what does alpha have to do with anything."

"Wow! You really don't read the stories I send you", she whispers while rolling her eyes.

"I do...but it's not my forte I prefer true crime but continue...", I whisper back while looking outside"

"Listen up, Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta..."

"Wow, you sure retained a lot from that Greek class you took!"

"ha ha very funny. but seriously they aren't just Greek letters they can mean what position they are in.", she explains

"You're telling me Cody or Sebastian have some high power right now?"

"I-I-I'm not sure but that could explain what's happened before...what's".


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