Chapter 23

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Nila's POV

It's 2:35 AM in the morning and I CAN'T SLEEP! "UUUUGGHHH!", I scream into the pillow and sit up frantically. I have tried everything counting sheep, milk, Nyquil I just can't. I lay sprawled out on my bed thinking to myself then I have an idea. 

I get up from the bed and open the window beside my bed and the coolest breeze hits me in the face and I embrace it while smiling towards the night sky. The breeze blows again and my skin rises with goosebumps as the wind dances against my soft kinky hair. I take a moment and think about how peaceful this scenery has been and close my eyes to listen to Mother Nature herself.

When I close my eyes I can hear the trees and the bushes dancing with the wind and then I hear water but this sound is very familiar. Oh yeah, there could be a pond nearby Xayah mentioned it!

This is stupid but I can't sleep. I slip on some jean shorts and a tank top then pair it with a flannel and combat boots. I tie my hair up into a high puff and head towards downstairs. To be honest, usually, Xayah is doing dumb shit like this but tonight just felt different. 

I head towards the direction I hear the water and see a path of trees leading me through it but I'm not going to lie it's pitch black and only the moon is shining so I take out my phone and use it as a flash light. I head down the path and I gaze at the branches which remind me of people waving. I giggle to myself at the thought and by the time I'm done being in my head, I reached the end of the path. It must've been a quarter mile before I reached here. 

Once I reached the end I saw a big, beautiful pond with the greenest of lily pads. Before I could continue my track I gasped and noticed something or someone and it looked like it was just sitting. I tried to take a step back but by my luck, I stepped on a twig. SHIT! 

It turns its head and I see its eyes looking at me and all I can do is stare. I take a step back and then it starts to whimper. I look at it bewildered and take another step back and hear a growl then another soft whimper after that. I feel a sharp pain in my chest as if I could cry any minute as I take more steps back.

Fuck it. I walk towards the creature and actually get to see how massive it is and then I realized up close it's a fucking wolf. When I get closer it lays its head on the ground. I do the same by getting close and kneeling down. I reach my hand out slowly and in a second this beast's head is in my lap.

"Aww, you're such a cutie! Xayah is not going to believe this", I say and the wolf starts to purr like a newborn puppy.

He raises his head slightly and I look into its eyes and the green is like a pool of emeralds...wait I've seen those before


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