Being an intern has its perks

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The first person to stand up and greet him was Captain America.
"Hello I'm Steve" he reached his hand out.
Peter shook his hand "Peter".
"Awww he's so cute" Natasha stood up from the table walking over.
The rest of them started coming up to him and to Peter were getting too close for comfort. His training made him instantaneously want to knock them onto the floor but he refrained but his face clearly showed he was uncomfortable. The team stepped back and Peter sighed in relief.
"Sorry if we made you uncomfortable" the Falcon said.
"It's okay" Peter smiled.
For the next while he was introduced to everyone Peter thought was on the team. He learned the names of everyone.
"I know you" Wanda clicked when she saw him "you asked for directions to the high school".
"Thank you again for that" Peter said.
Wanda smiled.
"When that must of been a fun turn of events" Vision added.
Tony's phone began ringing and he took a quick look at it "kid you wait here for a moment while I take this phone call. Then we can start your internship." Tony turned and left the room.
Peter felt a bit awkward but everyone was talking to him and being super friendly. Peter started to feel relaxed when someone entered the room. Peter turned around to see the man he used to see on a regular basis but a bit different. His hair was cut short and he wasn't wearing a black Hydra suit but it was definitely him with his metal arm as visible as day. Peter could speak he couldn't move and in that moment made a rookie mistake.
"It's you"Peter gasped.
Everyone stopped talking and Peter realised what he had just done.
"It's okay he's different now" Clint said laying his hand on Peters shoulder. Peter had no idea what he meant.
"Someone was controlling him before" Wanda began.
"Called Hydra" Vision finished.
Peter pretended to know what they were talking about and made sure to keep a straight face when they mentioned Hydra.
Bucky walked up until he was a meter or so away from Peter. He was going to say something but Steve got there first.
"He may look scary but he's a good guy"Steve walked up to Bucky and pinched his chin.
"Shut up Steve" Bucky slapped his hand away. Steve laughed and so did some of the others. All Peter did was crack a smile.

Tony walked back into the room and called for Peter to come with him. They walked down the corridor and up a set of stairs before they came to a lab.
"This is my lab are where you will spend quite a bit of your time here when you are not running errands for me or getting tea and coffee for the Avengers" Tony said while clicking some buttons on his device.
Peter nodded at most of this and placed his backpack on the table which landed with a large bang. Tony turned around and pointed at Peters backpack.
"What was that?"
Peter opened his backpack and pulled out his device, laying it on the table. "It's just something I've been working on".
Tony looked quite intrigued by this and asked Peters about it. Both men spent the next 30 minutes talking about it and tweaking it to make it more powerful and effective.
"This is amazing Peter the intricate work of this is terrific your parents must be so proud" Tony said setting the device up to one of his high powered lighting system.
"Let's see how powerful this charging device is"
Peter thought of what Tony just said and how his parents must be proud of him. His brain suddenly went back to the night of his parents murder. Without realising it a tear had crawled it's way down Peters cheek.
"What's that?" Bruce suddenly walked in. Peter looked at Bruce and quickly wiped away his tear before either of the men saw him crying. He wasn't going to look weak in front of his targets.
"Something Peter made come look at it" Tony offered Bruce a look.
While Bruce had a look at the device Peter took a quick scan around around the room. His eyes laid upon a laptop. He saw Tony walk over to it and typed something. At that moment the lights toned down and other devices began popping up above the table. Tony saw Peters surprised face.
"This laptop can control anything in the tower and is my personal laptop" Tony said.
Peter nodded.

A few hours later
Peter had spent most of the day getting to know the tower and his duties as an intern. He was walking down the corridor with Bruce and was about to leave when.
"I left my backpack in the lab" Peter said stopping. "I need to go back and get it".
"Oh okay well it was nice meeting you Peter and I'll see you tomorrow" Bruce shook Peters hand and walked away.
Peter walked back to the lab but didn't grab his bag straight away. He had left it on purpose. He walked over to Tony's laptop and lifted the lid. He hacked into the system and got Tony's password and thought he was getting somewhere when he hit a bit of security he couldn't bypass. He had come to a thumb print scanner. Peter would need Tony's thumbprint in order to get into his laptop.
"Damn it" Peter said.
He heard footsteps coming down the corridor. He quickly shut the laptop and grabbed his bag pretending to zip it up.
Steve came into the room and saw Peter.
"Oh Peter what are you still doing here" Steve questioned looking around.
"I left my backpack" he said lifting it up and putting it on his shoulder.
"Oh" Steve realised "have you seen Tony I'm looking for him".
"No not in a while" Peter said walking past Steve and out of the room.
Peter sighed in relief leaving the room. That was close.

The next couple of days were relatively the same. Peter couldn't continue his mission until he got Tony's thumbprint. Luckily in 2 days Tony was having a party and Peter had been invited by the girls which he felt a bit embarrassed by.
Now all Peter had to do was wait but he was getting a bit antsy. He had spent all his life fighting and training so all he wanted to do right now was punch something. He was now back at the orphanage. He threw his suitcase at the wall with a bang. Everything fell out including his black jacket. He looked at for a moment.
"Screw it" Peter grabbed it and put it on with his hood up. He looked in the mirror to check no one could see his face then opened the window and jumped out. If he wanted to fight then that was what he was going to do.

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