Has he been pushed too far?

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The Avengers all ran at him at once. The threw attacks at him constantly but somehow the figure managed to dodge most of the attacks even landing a few of them himself but he couldn't be lucky forever.
Steve landed the first hit to the stomach, then Nat connected with her punch to his face and then Wanda picked him up by her magic and flung him across the room.
The hooded figure still managed to stand up but instead of fighting he pulled a trigger from his bag and pressed his thumb on the big red button holding it tightly between his fingers.
"Attack me and the whole place goes up in flames" the figure shouted making sure everyone heard him perfectly clear.
The Avengers stopped moving towards him. Tony stood a few meters in front of everyone else.
"You don't have to do this" Tony tried to reason with the figure but he didn't seem to move.
Bucky had a different response "what the hell is wrong with you all, kidnapping and torturing people, killing innocents and placing bombs in our home. You kidnapped and young little boy and turned him into a weapon" Bucky stated his eyes not leaving the hooded figure.
"I know. I did see it first hand" the figure said to Bucky who's face just got angrier.
"You watched it and did nothing" Bucky said anger pouring from his lips.
"Oh no nothing like that" the figure said and with their free hand pulled down their hood. Everyone gasped.
"PETER" Tony yelled moving closer.
"Stay where you are" Peter ordered.
Tony stopped in his tracks.
"How could you do it?" Peter asks to everyone.
"Do what?" The team was genuinely confused.
"You were going to kill hundreds of innocent lives just to kill one man who you wanted dead" Peter said based of what his mum had said and drilled into his brain through drugs.
"Peter what are you talking about, we didn't do anything" Steve said.
Peter was starting to burn up. His mind was going haywire. He thought seeing the Avengers wouldn't be a problem after what they were going to of done but seeing them just brought up buried feelings the mum had tried to destroy.
"Peter what did Hydra tell you, we never did anything like that" Tony said upset.
"YOU DID MY MUM SAID SO" Peter yelled.
"Peter that isn't your mum" Bruce pulled up a screen showing her small scars he had taken from video footage to show it wasn't his mum.
"NO" Peter screamed.
"Please son listen to me" Tony tried to calm Peter down.
"I AM NOT YOUR FUCKING SON" Peter yelled tears burning his eyes and streaming down his face making his vision blurry.
"Peter please" Wanda said.

It was becoming too much for Peter, all the information rolling around in his head was hurting him. Both sides were both telling him different things and didn't know what to believe. Peter fell to his knees and dropped the trigger.
His finger came off of the red button arming the explosives.
"Detonation in 10" the triggers battery voice came up.
The avengers all ran at Peter at once.
Tony ran to Peter and embraced him in his arms while Steve and Bruce both grabbed the trigger trying to find a way of stopping it.
"The only way we can possibly stop it is breaking the trigger and destroy the connection" Bruce said quickly dropping it back onto the floor.
Bruce brought his foot down heavily on the trigger.

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