Is this a dream?

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Peter spent most of the night at his desk. He scrapped a knife against the wall of his room to get small pieces of plaster off the wall. After he had enough in his hand he bent down to the cup and blew the plaster at the cut. He then picked it up at the rim and shook it leaving perfectly good fingerprints from Tony Starks hand. Peter twisted the cup until he could see the thumbprint. He ripped off a piece of sellotape and stuck it to the thumbprint pressing down gently before peeling it off. Peter held it up to the light to check he had the full fingerprint before folding it over and placing it in a small box to keep it safe and pure.
"Perfect" he said standing up and flopping onto the bed. He threw the cover over himself and closed his eyes.

Creak. Peter heard the door to his room open and heard someone step inside. He quickly turned around and stood up in a defence position. His eyes widened.
"M..mum" Peter said gobsmacked walking slowly towards here.
The woman smiled then turned around and walked out. Peter ran forwards and round the door but saw she was already at the other end of the corridor. He continued running but she was always out of reach until he got to the bottom of the stairs right by the front door.
"Mum wait" Peter was more scared now.
She turned around but something had changed she wasn't the mum Peter saw before, she now had blood running down from her forehead where a bullet hole had formed and her face was a history white. The face of death.
"This is your fault" she spoke.
"What" Peter whispered.
"You are pathetic, you can't do anything. I AM DEAD BECAUSE OF YOU" she yelled.
"No.. no I'm sorry mum please" Peter began breaking down.
"This is your fault all of this. You deserve to be alone." She kept repeating the same phrase again and again to Peter.
" please". Peter fell to his knees putting his hands against his ears to try and block her out.

Peter woke up with a start. Tears streamed down his face as he looked around the room. He blinked a couple times then wiped the tears away from his face. He looked at the clock it was 11am.
"Just a dream" Peter took a deep breath. He later back against the wall and closed his eyes but all he saw was the face of his mum switching between her before and after he death. He opened them again and jumped off the bed. He needed to get his mind off everything so he got dressed into his black hoodie and went downstairs. Most of the kids were out but a few were still lingering around. Peter avoided them and made himself some beans on toast chomping it down. Afterwards he put his stuff in the dishwasher then put on a pair of trainers and left for a run. He didn't plan on going anywhere he just ran between the streets and alleys. He still kept picturing his mum. He ran quicker and quicker until he just couldn't take it. He stopped and punched and garbage skip next to him leaving a big dent in it.
"Well now aren't we angry" a voice came from behind him.
Peter turned around. The stranger stepped forward out of the shadows. He was wearing a black suit and a had a scar running down his face. Peter recognised him immediately, it was the guard he had been with since his kidnapping from Hydra. Peter tensed up.
"What the hell are you doing here?" Peter said clearly irritated.
"I'm here to check your progress" he said clasping his hands "all going well I hope".
"Everything's going according to plan and if all goes well I'll be back before the end of the month" Peter said.
"I hope so the boss is getting antsy" the guard walked away back into the shadows.
"Well it was nice to see you too" Peter shouted sarcastically rolling his eyes before running away back to the orphanage to make sure everything was in order for the party later that evening.

A couple hours later
Peter was busy putting on his tie which he didn't find particularly comfortable. He has spent a hefty amount of money on this suit but he felt like an idiot. He had never worn something so fancy.
"I look like freaking Elvis as a kid" Peter complained at the mirror.
He went to put on the shoes but slipped and stubbed his toe on the edge of the bed.
"Fuck" he said slamming his hand on the bed a few times "just my luck".
Peter continued to put his shoes on then tied them on tightly before standing up.

By the time he was ready it was 9ish (party starts at 9:30). Most of the kids at the orphanage were quite you so we're already in bed. Peter quietly went down the stairs when he heard yelling and the banging of pans on the floor. He turned the corner to see the nice young woman who had introduced him to the orphanage cowering in the corner. A man holding an almost empty bottle of vodka was towering over at her shouting. He smashed the bottle on the floor and went to punch her. Peter saw this. He wouldn't normally get involved but that woman was kind to him without knowing who he was and gave him a sense of safe feeling. He was about to go over when she stood up and ran out of the room then locked herself in the downstairs bathroom. He was banging on the door shouting at her. Peter couldn't stand this. He went over to the man and punched him. The man stumbled back and turned to look at Peter.
"You bastard" he lunged and Peter but Peter stepped out of the way and the man went falling onto the counter. He turned back around and ran to Peter who opened the door and stepped to the side. The men fell onto the pavement. Peter followed after him and began punching him again and again and again. His white shirt was now covered in splats of blood from the man's face. When Peter had calmed down he bent down to the man and put his fingers to his neck. He had no pulse. He was dead. Peter looked around but since the orphanage was not close to the city no one was around. He dragged the man's body behind the orphanage and threw him in the big Green bin closing the lid. He wasn't going to hide him properly as no one saw him and if all went well he would be gone before they found the body.
He looked down at his shirt. He needed to change. He swung up to his bedroom and took his shirt off. Kept the blazer and swung to the suit shop. He picked the lock and stole a shirt then left in a nearby alley. He took off the blazer and put on the shirt. He ran down the alley putting his blazer back on the way. He arrived outside the Avengers tower checking his watch. It was 9:45. Peter tapped his pocket to make sure he had the finger print then walked across the street and into the compound. He showed his badge to the night receptionist then entered the elevator and up to floor 32.

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