Finding your way home

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2 days later
Peter was sat in the living room watching a dvd on quick kill tactics given to him by the man while eating a bowl of cereal.
Peter was let out of the room this morning and the continuous drugs that were going into his arm were now gone but the mum insisted that every few hours he be injected with a injection of the 'medication' to make sure he isn't in pain but Peter didn't question it anymore.
"So Peter tell me what do you think of the Avengers now you know the full story" the man sipped a cup of orange juice.
Peter sat silent for a moment watching the fight scenes on the screen before taking his eyes off screen and to the two adults over by the table.
"They were okay letting hundreds die just to kill one person and hid that by using Hydra as a cover. They also killed innocents in their battles including your parents, my grandparents" Peter said scanning between the man and his mum. Peter then turned his head away and back to the Tv screen chewing on a spoon of cereal.
"But Peter how do you feel about it?" The mum asked.
"Angry, upset, pissed off" Peter named a couple things but didn't look away from the Tv screen.
The mum smirked and looked towards the man whispering "perfect".
"He's ready" the man said and walked away into his study.
"Peter after you have finished your show I want you to to go back to your room and collect your belongings" the mum said.

Peter reached the end of the show and switched it off leaving the controllers on the sofa and got up placing his bowl in the sink then walked down the short hallway to his bedroom disappearing within the room.
"Let's get going" the mum said to herself stepping outside the cottage for a breath of fresh air.

With the Avengers
A few days had past and the team were no closer to finding Peter. Tony had retreated into himself more and wasn't talking as much as usual. The loss of Peter had really hit him hard. The team have tried to perk him up but it wasn't that effective.
"Tony the gatherings today" Bruce said knowing what the response would be.
"No set it back" Tony said back sat on an armchair. He looked exhausted.
"We have already done that twice. We can't set it back again" Bruce sighed.
"Tony it's only the team and a few others Fury sent and some friends" Steve said.
"Yeah and since none of us really have any friends there won't be too many people" Bucky said lightheartedly.
"So a party not a gathering" Tony said not convinced.
"Tony we all need a break. If we are always working our efficiency is going to drop massively" Strange said.
"I don't have a choice so I" Tony asked sighing.
"Nope" the twins replied in sync.

With Peter
All of his belongings had been gathered although it all fitted into a backpack. He came back to the living room to find the man and the mum waiting and the front door all ready.
"Your finally ready" the man said as an inpatient person and exited the cottage to go start up the car.
"You sure you have everything" the mum said kindly still holding up the facade of being Peters mum.
"I'm sure I didn't have much" Peter said and rolled up his sleeve.
"You remembered" she said happily and brought out a little kit with multiple needles. She grabbed one and gently pressed it into Peters arm and released the liquid. She then retracted the needle and put it back in the kit. Peter felt a sudden wave of tiredness before it quickly passed.
"There we go all ready to leave" she exited the cottage with Peter following closing the door behind him. He got into the back of the car with the adults sat in the front. He looked out one last time at the bright yellow fields with the birds chirping happily in the wind before the car started and drove away leaving it all in the dust.
The car journey was a long one as he had no idea where the cottage actually was or where they were heading. He asked multiple times in the car but the mum shrugged it off and said he would know when he got their. In his mind a variety of different places came up but he could never decide on just one so he just pulled a book from his backpack called "what to do when you are murdered" and began reading it quietly in the back seat.
He found the book quite interesting but also kinda stupid and pulled a face many times while reading it.

A few hours later
Peter must have fallen asleep in the car because before he knew it the car had stopped and the mum had opened the door and was nudging him awake.
"Peter wake up we are here" she said.
"Where are we?" Peter rubbed his eyes and got out the car getting his first clear look at the destination. His eyes widened in recognition.
The high skyscrapers were in plain view and people were bustling around busily and shouting for taxis. Slap bang in the middle was the most memorable thing. The high skyscraper with a giant A written on the side glowed blue in the sky.
"The Avengers tower" Peter said coldly.
"Welcome back Peter" the mum smiled placing her arm on his shoulder "Welcome home".

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