Chapter 7

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Margo POV

I shot a worried look to Petal as Sunny continued.

"Meet us in our office at the club house. Dom, you too. All Rebel meeting in the meeting room in an hour!" she yelled the last part so that the Rebels around us could hear.

I watched as our gang members quickly started texting on their phones to notify the rest of the group as I followed Petal out of the club. We hurried to our bikes along with Dom as Sunny and Thor jumped into an awaiting black SUV.

It was funny that the one thing we had in common with our blood family was a love of motorcycles. After we left, one of the first things Petal and I did was learn how to ride and buy some junker bikes that she learned how to fix. I still got strange looks when I rode my bike to work but I didn't care.

I understood why I got the looks though. I was a blond haired, little pediatric nurse. I wore bright colors and usually had a smile on my face. Just looking at me, people assumed that I was sweet, innocent and naive. That was until I took off my jacket and they saw my full sleeve of tattoos or took a look to see the people I surrounded myself with.

Just one look at Petal and you could see that she wasn't one to be messed with. She was slightly shorter than me but she still had black hair and the cold gleam in her green eyes told people that she meant trouble. She had several visible tattoos along with a nose piercing and she dressed in almost all black all the time. It was funny though, people who actually knew us classified her as the sweet, caring one where I was more analytical and calculating.  Petal had a tough exterior but she truly had a heart of gold.

We sped toward the clubhouse and made it there just after the SUV. Thor and Sunny waited for Dom, Petal and I and we all walked silently into the house and up to their shared office. I wasn't surprised to see Tech and Wires in there waiting. They both looked worried with laptops sitting in their laps.

Tech is our head tech person. She can do almost anything on the computer yet she isn't rude or stuck up about it. She's one of Petal and I's best friends. She sent both of us strained smiles as we walked in.

Tech's little brother is Wires. She's overprotective of him and insists that he work with her only. He's 19 and four years younger than her so he gets annoyed with his sister quiet regularly. Tech watched their parents and oldest sister get slaughtered right in front of her at the ripe old age of 16. She took the responsibility of raising Wires right after. She's the reason they stayed together in the foster system and she adopted him as soon as she turned 18 and he was 14 so it's understandable why she treats him the way she does.

I was surprised to see Natalia in there with her boyfriend Decker. Both of them looked at us with confusion so I knew that they didn't know why we were there either.

Decker was also a member of the Rebels. He and Dom worked together the most. They were great at setting up raids and protection. Anything to do with physical conflict, they were the ones to help plan it. I was glad that Nat and Deck were together. He was gentle and sweet with her, everything Shooter wasn't.

It took us three months to get Natalia out of the Lost Boys MC. In those three months, Shooter had gotten more abusive to Natalia. Unfortunately, he never hit her in the public areas of the clubhouse where we had cameras. We didn't know it was happening. She finally let us know when she found one of our cameras and whispered everything into it. A day later, we had her with us. We launched an attack on a nearby MC that was allied with the Lost Boys. They had no choice but to send most of the club there to help. While they were gone, Petal, Decker, Dom and I used gas to knock out the men left. We turned off the cameras and saved Natalia. While we were there, we offered to get any of the other women out that wanted to leave. Half of them did so we just took them with. There were only a few women with children in the MC but they all wanted to leave. They didn't want to raise their children this way and I didn't blame them. All of the mothers and most of the other women wanted to live a calm and peaceful life after leaving the MC so we helped set them up with new identities and safe homes. We keep eyes on them and so far there hasn't been any problems. We made sure that there is nothing that can tie them to us or the MC.

Natalia was one of the few that wanted to stay with the Rebels. She said that she was too damaged first by her father and then by Shooter to ever hope for a normal or peaceful life. I felt sad for her but I understood. Growing up in the MC life made you wired different. It set you apart from regular people and it made it difficult to fit in. Petal and I were the same way. We had friends in college and we enjoyed time with my coworkers and 'normal' friends but we never felt completely at ease with them.

Luckily, the gang was similar enough to the MC that we didn't have that problem with them.

As punishment for harming Nat and to discourage them from chasing after the women, we set a few well placed bombs. The aftermath severely harmed both our fathers and left Shooter with a permanent limp. Our fathers were forced to retire and Shooter couldn't take the President patch. Instead it was passed to my brother Bear. Viper became the Vice pres and Shooter took the Sargent of Arms. He was bitter but couldn't argue the decree. The MC was outraged but Petal and I didn't care. We were going to continue to attack them but Thor and Sunny stopped us. They said that we didn't need that on our souls and that if nothing else, they were still our blood. We disagreed but obeyed the order. Some of the cameras were still working and Tech was tasked with the job of reviewing them every week but we didn't have any more contact with our 'family'.

"Please sit." Thor said as we all walked in. Petal sat next to Tech and I sat next to Nat as Thor and Sunny both settled behind their desks.

"Tech and Wires were going through the recordings of the last week of the Lost Boys club. They found a problem." Sunny began and I felt both Nat and I stiffen.

Sunny nodded to Tech who turned to us with a sad face.

"They have heard about the garage. One of there allies was here this week and he went to a party at the clubhouse a day or so later. He spotted a picture of you, Petal and recognized you. He told your brothers. They are on their way here." Tech burst out.

Nat looked at me in horror and I put a comforting arm around her. I looked at Petal who just smirked back at me.

"Let them come." she snarled.

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