Chapter 9

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Ace/Bear POV

I shook my head as I looked at the building that my woman and sister now lived it. It was fairly impressive. It had a large garage on the bottom and looked to be in really good shape with a large apartment above it. It seemed like someone had put a lot of work into it. It was a place that I would be proud of if it were mine. Too bad we had to destroy it.

We had parked our bikes about a half of a mile away and walked over so the girls wouldn't hear us coming. I looked over to Viper as we walked the last block together. Behind us were our fathers, Shooter, our cousins, our uncles and many members of our MC. We decided against bringing any of our allies. This was a family matter and we were going to handle it as a family.

I could see anger in our families faces but Viper seemed more worried than anything. I knew that he had mixed feelings about this but we couldn't afford to look weak. He and I would have to do what we needed to do to maintain our respect and strength.

As we approached the building, I was surprised to see lights on in both the upper apartment and the garage. I could see some movement and I stopped to watch. We expected them to be in bed asleep, it was late or maybe early in the morning depending on who you asked.

I was concerned. We hadn't gotten much intel about the girls. There was nothing about them online. No records anywhere. It was like they had just disappeared. Whoever helped them was a master with hacking and that worried me. The only information we could get was from the guy who recognized Petal. When questioned he said that he had also seen Margo and that they owned the shop. He also told us that they lived above it. When we pushed him about who the girls were with, he clammed up quickly. All he could say was as much as he was allied with the Lost Boys, he didn't want to piss any one else off. He seemed scared once he realized what was going on and why we were asking.

None of us understood that but his President said that he had told us enough and they along with the rest of their MC left as fast as they could. The entire interaction troubled me and Viper but Shooter and our fathers didn't seem to care and were too focused on getting the girls. I shook my head to clear it and motioned for a group to go to the back of the building so the girls couldn't run.

Shooter and our fathers joined Viper and I on the sidewalk in front of the building.

"Looks like they have people over." Viper said and I nodded.

Faint music was playing somewhere in the house and we could hear soft conversations coming from the open garage door. It wasn't a party but there were more than two girls in there.

"What do you want to do?" Viper asked me.

I looked around and thought.

"We can't stop now. We can handle whoever is with them. Hell, it might be whoever helped them run and attack us. Two birds with one stone. We can get them all at once." Shooter snarled and I nodded in agreement.

We needed to find the girls and punish them but we also needed to find out who helped them and kill them. We would look weak otherwise. We could allow the girls to live since they were blood but anyone who helped them had a death sentence. We had no choice.

As we surrounded the building, I couldn't help but to allow doubt to creep into my mind. I felt like we should have done more research.

Petals POV

I smirked as I watched the video feed from the back of our home. The Rebels had already caught the group of Lost Boys that were sent to the back of the building. They knocked them out and quickly and quietly tied them up as the rest of our 'family' stood in front of the building without a clue. I looked at Margo who was smiling as well. Then we both looked to Nat who narrowed her eyes and nodded.

I flashed a small light upstairs that would signal the rest of the Rebels to close in behind the rest of the Lost Boys. Then, Margo, Nat and I led Thor, Sunny, Dom and Decker down the stairs to the garage as Tech and Wires nodded to us and wished us good luck softly. They stayed by the computers and cameras to provide support if we needed it. We all had radios or ear pieces to contact each other, something that might have saved the MC if they thought ahead and had them. They always were too cocky and never seemed to think things through. Something that we used to our advantage.

Nat stood in between Margo and I as we walked to the door.

"Ready?" I asked and they both nodded.

I smirked and threw open the front door. Ace, my brothers and our fathers along with our other 'family' members looked up is shock.

"Oh, look! Our 'family' has come to visit us!" I mocked to Nat and Margo.

"How very kind of them." Margo added while Nat just shook her head at them.

"It took them long enough." I added with a scoff.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" Shooter snarled as he tried to run at us.

Keyword, tried.

I pulled out a gun and aimed at him and he froze.

"Tsk. Tsk. That isn't very big brotherly." I teased.

"That's a hell of a limp you've got there bro." I added and I watched as his anger exploded inside him.

"How'd you get it? Street fight? Bar brawl? Or did your little sister fuck you up for beating on your woman like the piece of shit you are?" I pushed and he snarled.

"Fuck you! You won't shoot me!" He yelled as he began towards me again.

"She might not but we will" said a voice behind them as the rest of the Rebels popped up from where they were waiting the shadows behind the MC. They all had there guns trained on the MC members and right away anyone could see that the MC was outnumbered.

"OH! Here's the rest of your .... gang? Crew?  I forget what the fuck y'all call yourselves to try to act like you're better than the rest of us." Laddie a Rebel member said as he and several others pulled the group that they had captured in the back out in front of us.

"Club. They like to be called a club." Dom piped in with an eye roll. He then glared at Viper and reached out to pull Margo to his side. Decker stood behind Nat and wrapped his arms around her waist as Thor and Sunny came to my side.

"Now that everyone is here, let's have a chat, shall we?" Sunny said with a evil smirk.

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