Chapter 25

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POV: Petal/Athena

I glanced at Joker and then at Jaden who both shot me brief, weak smiles and then went back to glaring at Ace, Viper and Shooter. Viper nodded at me and tried to look comforting as the other two shot glares back at Jaden and Joker.

It was several days after the meeting and we were hiding around the corner from one of the  Raven's warehouses. I knew that their were similarly made up teams all over the city, waiting for the word to hit one of the Raven's properties. The Lost Boys MC, The Saints MC and the Rebels divided up so that each team had a least one member of each group. That was the only way the Lost Boys would trust us enough to pull this hit.

I listened quietly to anything that sounded off outside along with my ear piece that had Wires, Tech, Willa and West on it. Along with the ear pieces, I had glasses that showed everything that I was seeing in real time to the four on the other end.

"Okay, Petal take them to the door. Remember the plan." Willa ordered. I nodded and gestured with my head that I was going.

"Be safe, baby." Jaden murmured which caused Ace and Viper to glare at him.

"We'll be right behind you." Viper added.

"Don't forget the code word if you get in trouble." Shooter piped up.

"Seriously, don't risk yourself if it seems off." Ace tacked on.

I rolled my eyes but nodded as Joker grinned at me. He at least knew that I had this. My big brother trusted me.

I carefully crept from our hiding spot and hurried to the door in case anyone was watching. My act was taking right out of Willa's playbook. My shirt was torn at the neck and it looked like I had been attacked. I began to bang frantically on the metal door as I saw the guys creep closer slowly.

"PLEASE! Help me!" I screamed as loud as I could, "They're after me!!!"

The door jerked wide open to show a man a little taller than me with a pair of huge men behind him.

I put up three fingers as I heard Wires letting the others know where the men were. The smaller man looked me up and down with hunger in his eyes that made me shiver.

"What's all the noise about, doll?"He drawled.

I looked frantically behind me before answering. He stepped out of the door to see what I was looking at.

"I was walking home and these men attacked me. I managed to run away but they're following me. Please help!" I begged as I stepped closer to him.

"Hey, It's okay now. No one's gonna hurt you." he started to put his arm around me right as the other two made it to the door.

I threw up a elbow and grabbed his arm as Shooter and Viper took down one guy and Jaden and Ace took down the other. Joker grabbed the guy near me and knocked him out with one punch.

Once they were knocked out, we moved them to the far corner of the warehouses parking lot and tied them up. We even gagged them for good measure.

Tech came over our ear pieces, "Good job team 4, all the other teams are now in position. Let's set this up."

We nodded to each other and entered the building. I went with Joker to the top floor while Viper and Jaden went to the basement and Shooter and Ace stayed on the main floor. After we set our explosives we all met back in the parking lot. Jaden and Viper were the last ones out. They still glared at each other but it didn't seem as angry as before, or maybe that was just me being hopeful.

"We're waiting on Team 9 and Team 12. They are taking a little longer to set everything but it all still looks good." West told us through our ear pieces. I took a deep breath and tried to relax.

"It'll all be okay, love. Don't worry." Jaden whispered and I nodded.

We waiting in silence but I was becoming more and more uncomfortable. All the guys were watching me carefully and I was worried about the rest of our people. I crossed my fingers in my pocket and sent all my good thoughts up into the sky.

Finally, Willa came back on.

"We're ready set the timer for two minutes on my signal." Viper nodded and hurried back to the door where we had left the charge. He set it and waited for the go ahead.

"Now! Set them and go!" West yelled and we all watched as Viper started the timer and then took off running towards our bikes.

I grabbed my helmet and put it on as Jaden and Joker did the same the others started their bikes but waited until ours were started as well. Ace motioned for me to pull out first so I did. I raced down the block with my brothers, Ace and Jaden right behind me. We made it almost three blocks before we heard the warehouse blow. I could hear the echos of explosions all over the city even over that noise and the bike noises around me.

I pressed the button on my ear piece and asked, "How's it looking? Anyone hurt? Missing?"

I waited for what seemed like the longest moment ever as we continued towards our meeting spot while making sure to use side streets and back roads to ensure we weren't followed.

"All good. All targets cleared. Everyone is safely making their way in." Wires assured me.

"Thanks." I responded and then concentrated on driving.

Just to be safe, we did as we planned and drove around a bit. We didn't want anyone to follow us.

When we finally made it to the old, empty warehouse, there was already a long line of bikes along with a few cars.

I parked and pulled off my helmet as Joker and Jaden parked on either side of me. Ace, Viper and Shooter were quick to park and walk over to me.

"Where did you learn to ride like that, Sis?" Shooter smirked and looked to Joker.

"You teach her?" he asked.

"Naw. She and Margo learned before I was back with them." Joker replied.

Ace was staring at me but snapped his attention to Joker, "Margo can ride? Like that?" he gestured to me and Joker nodded.

"Yep. You should see them together. Like they've been doing it all their lives." Jaden added as I got off my bike.

"Want to see that." Viper grunted and Shooter and Ace nodded in agreement.

"Let's go. It looks like we're the last ones here." I pushed as we walked to the door.

As we opened the door, we were greeted by yelling and the sound of a fight.

I sighed and looked at Joker.

"Like one big happy family." he teased as he walked ahead of me.

I knew that it was too much to ask for just one day with no fights...

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