Chapter 20

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POV Jaden/Breaker

"Fffuuuccckkk!" I moaned as I watched Petal peal away. That girl was so hot that I almost came when she flicked us off and again as she rode away.

"Right?" Dom smirked. Margo rolled her eyes and hurried to her bike before Dom could notice.

They had been fighting about Margo riding with him and I guess that she just decided to follow Petal. As soon as Margo pulled away, Dom yelled and hopped on his bike. The rest of us followed him as we tried to catch up to the girls. I could hear Nat laughing as we all drove at breakneck speeds.

"YOU KNOW THAT YOU'LL NEVER CATCH UP TO THEM!!!"  she screamed as we sped down the road.

 I could hear Joker cursing over the engines and I looked at Blade who looked both worried and amused at the anger coming from his boyfriend. I sighed as I finally caught sight of Margo and Petal. They were speeding next to each other. I watched as they took corners perfectly in sync with one another. It was like they grew up riding together. I glanced back over at Joker and he seemed as in awe as I was.

It soon became clear that Nat was right. Joker, Dom and I sped up as much as we could but there was no way we were going to catch the girls. They were just too fast and too smooth. They barely slowed for turns and curves. I was nervous at first but after watching them for a while I realized that they were both expert drivers. When we finally pulled up to the Rebels clubhouse, the girls were already at the door. They walked through it right as the three of us cut our engines and the rest of the group pulled up.

"Dammit!" Joker swore as he bounded up the stairs towards the door.

Decker smirked and Nat outright laughed as Dom and I scrambled after him.

"Shit! This is gonna be so entertaining! Anyone got popcorn?" Ash/Eagle asked.

"Call down, Joker! You don't want to piss her off more!" Blade/Iron called out as he rushed after him.

That caused Joker to stop which then caused me to run into his back. Which then caused Dom to run into my back.

Ash, Decker, and Nat were downright hysterical and I could hear even Blade trying to keep himself from laughing.

"I'm not gonna yell at her. I just want to know when they learned to ride." Joker snarled as he glared at me and then at the rest of the group.

"Yeah, me too!" Dom and I both said at the same time which set off another round of laughter.

Joker continued towards the door with us right behind him. He finally wrenched it open only to be greeted with Petal and Margo rolling in laughter on the floor. Thor, Sunny and Thrash were behind them, cracking up as well.

Joker, Dom and I froze at the sight as the rest of the group followed us in. Nat helped Margo up and Decker did the same with Petal.

"Did you see them run into each other??..." Petal gasped out and the others had a fresh wave of laughter.

I sighed and looked at Dom and then Joker.

"We're never gonna hear the end of this shit." Joker rolled his eyes and then launched himself at his sister.

"Oh, you think that's funny, huh?" He snarled as he lifted her up and began tickling her mercilessly.

"NO!!! Margo help!!!" She cried between her laughter.

Margo made a move to help her but Dom got to Margo first and gave her the same treatment that Petal was getting.

"NAT!" Petal screamed but she just shook her head.

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