Chapter 37: No longer a secret

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Avy later found out that the cat she decided to keep was a victim of mages that try to deepen their understanding of magic by experimenting on innocent animals. The dying cat, that she didn't bother to name, was found in an abandoned experimental home that was near the place where Ashton needed to visit in the country of Bergunn. The healers were able to heal its physical wounds but they weren't able to fix its broken soul that has been exposed to mana for too long, even though all of them knew it was going to die soon, they didn't leave it there and much to the young master's mercy, he decided to bring it back home. 

"And also, Mi'lady. Young master reminded us to tell you that the summit will start in two weeks' time, hence you should be present in the palace with all the children of the Empire's pillars." Mariel was brushing her mistress' hair while she sat in front of the mirror, seemingly too focused on the strands of raven black seaweed-like locks that reached her waist. 

She hummed, a little bit of interest in her tone. "Am I required to attend?" she asked which made her servant chuckle in response.

"Who would dare to force you, My Lady?" 

Avy clicked her tongue unamused, "Sounds insulting," she spat.

Yes, who would dare to force a sick in the head daughter of a duke like her? They surely don't want to be thrown into prison for pissing off a powerful noble. Mariel must've known her answer beforehand but chose to tell her anyway, hoping that this time, she would agree considering the fact that she became less aggressive. 

"It really is fine if Mi'lady doesn't attend. His grace would probably take care of the people who would question it." 

Avy snickered by the thought of her father fighting all the people who asked where his daughter was.  "What is he gonna do? Shut them up for the whole summit?" 

She saw her maid smiling through the mirror. "For the good, perhaps. No one knows, Mi'lady."

Avy's sarcastic smile faded into a tight line. Well, that's quite concerning. Everyone knows how capable the Arkwrights are to silence a person for good. Yes, they don't have records of mercilessly killing innocent people for their own benefits, but it can also mean that they are just really good at keeping their respectable image untainted, in fact, they even have an assassin as the head chef and an equally- or maybe a lot more dangerous- old man as the head butler. The statement stands, playing in the middle of being a joke or a pure capability of them holding lives of other people in the palm of their hands. 

"Fine. I'll go," she surrendered brightening up the mood of her maid even better but before she could even open her mouth to express her happiness, Avy spoke again. "But I'll go outside again. Just before I leave. And Ashton will not know." 

Mariel's face became worried once again, perhaps thinking that she was planning on sneaking out alone again. Avy knew exactly what her expression meant and answered her thoughts just as immediately. 

"I'll bring you and Revie along. But- we will not be going out asking for attention. Or I will just stay at home. Forever." she threatened her with a blank stare but the servant just nodded enthusiastically and said something about informing everyone that the lady will be attending the summit after a long time of avoiding social circles before speeding out of the room. Avy didn't care less and brushed it off, taking back her attention to the thing that has been occupying her mind since earlier. 

Her hair. 

She doesn't have any good experiences at growing her hair long. Maybe if she did, she could only remember all the bad ones. And most of all, it is and would be an inconvenience. Heck, she might even set herself on fire if she didn't take care of it soon. She stood up from her chair and went to her desk, carefully avoiding the small feline curled up into a ball that made its way next to her foot for some reason. 

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