Chapter 53: Warmth to remember

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Grey Arden has always been a keen observer since he was young. Watching from the sidelines has been a way for him to quell his thirst for amusement his whole life. He loved gatherings as he learned from his father that it was an easy way to get access to how nobles actually were. People of high and elevated standings such as them are creatures who are simple to understand and unravel. The way they carry themselves is a significant indication of what they are as a person.

It helped that he was an heir to one of the most influential families in the empire, with no other siblings trying to covet his position and everyone in his family supporting him to be the one to lead the duchy in the future. He was always treated with utmost generosity as people tried to get in his favor. How he loved watching aristocrats behave like desperate dogs that want to please their master.

The summit, however, is another level of faux friendliness. One could tell which is more powerful than the other by how much effort they put into conversations. It was natural that the weakest would try to befriend those that are strong and influential in hopes of any kind of benefits they could reap.

Grey deeply enjoyed being a bystander to that kind of entertainment. Hence, he was especially elated when the family composed of talent and ascendancy of influence entered the scene. With them, however, was the jewel that no one inside the luxurious hall expected to see.

He had seen the ducal princess a couple of times when they were younger, though only for brief moments as she was especially shielded from the public's eyes. It was the reason why he could barely remember what she looked like. Regardless, the one thing that he was certain about was that she has raven-black hair and blood-red eyes just like her whole family.

Apart from that, the rumors did say that she had a nasty temperament, not at all surprising for a girl raised in an environment surrounded by riches and power. Although, the rumors did not have to indicate that she was also prepossessing. After all, it was already a given, considering her origins and the bloodline where she hailed from.

It was completely understandable how the people inside the hall started whispering amongst themselves the moment they laid their eyes on the lady. Even Grey was surprised that the girl who never once stepped foot outside her domain attended a gathering that even people from other countries will be joining.

"The family of heartless warriors steals the spotlight once again." Grey heard his father remark in hilarity beside him. It seems that even his family's interest was piqued by the arrival of the Arkwright Family.

The juniper-haired mage laughed inwardly at the heartless warrior comment while looking at the faces of the ruby-eyed crows that resembled that of a statue—devoid of any kind of light and emotion. However, resembling that of carved jade, not a single imperfection could be pointed out.

Throughout the banquet, Grey closely observed the crows as other guests managed to pull them away from their sheltered princess. Moreover, as if the Goddess of Luck cradled him in her arms, he was able to hear some of their conversations without being called out. It cannot be counted as eavesdropping if he cannot block his ear from hearing what he picks up.

Ashton was the closest Arkwright he was able to find. Although the two of them are not close outside of their political obligations, he knows how capable the aforementioned heir was. It was the reason why he was able to attend gatherings that young nobles were not allowed to enter at a very young age. Of course, Grey was also exceptional, but the stoic raven dedicated his whole life to honing his intellect and was considered a genius that only a handful of people could rival.

The Arkwright heir was swarmed by different known and distinguished figures from foreign nations. Despite the cold reputation that he shared with his family, he was able to keep the conversation going. It was a trait that Grey admired, considering how the Arkwright Family has more than adequate prestige to act high and mighty before powerful individuals.

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