Chapter 46: A new one, a he

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The night was cold and the whole Harrington mansion was dead silent. Avy felt the chilly breeze as it hit her face before she finally shut the door to the balcony close. The cold wasn't as upsetting as it should be to a normal person. It became that way ever since the night she got her powers to summon flames using her blood. It was as if she became a living source of heat, and that meant she was prone to night breeze.

Unfortunately, that did not go the same with everyone. She glanced at the trembling ball of fur on her bed, and agreed that she made the right decision of blocking the wind from entering her chambers.

She helped herself from sighing out loud, watching the poor creature draw its last breath. She felt sick to her stomach as if she wanted to vomit everything that she ingested during dinner. The silence of the room that only made her hear the soft and weak purrs of the animal didn't help. Sitting on the side of the bed and her eyes not leaving sa ball of gray, she mumbled names to herself.


“Apple... Kiwi... Cookie...??”

Avy almost laughed at herself. Who would've though she really would name a dying cat to make herself feel at peace? Slowly, she reach out to touch the feline and chortled.

“Brulee... Cupcake–”

How dare you name a being such as myself, useless human?


(A few hours before)

“Are you sure this is the right place, Carl? Why kind of sick bitch would meet clients here?”

“Shut the fuck up if you still want us to leave this place alive.”

Two men clad in commoner clothing quietly entered the darkest part of the ally they were ordered to visit. Gripping their daggers on the side of their hips in case of scenarios that would have to defend, they slowly continued on walking.

A sudden movement on a nearby trash can made both of them jolt in surprise. Couple of metal scraps created a sound that resonated throughout the whole alley before a squeak of a mouse was heard. The two men were able to breathe in relief.

“Let go of my clothes, Kelton, It was just a fucking rodent,” the other whispered in an irritated tone. He was already on his heel and was prepared to run away if it was some kind of entity or worse, the person they were asked to meet decided they did not want to spare their lives and let them go back to their boss breathing.

“If it isn't for boss, I wouldn't even think of coming in this place.”

Sure enough, the alley was too dark and eerie to their liking. The said place was not like other dark spots in the district, and even them, who were considered to be the illness of the back streets did not feel right stepping foot in there. Blackwell is known for being the most dangerous district in the capital and it was not a surprise to also be a home for underground businesses that even the knights of the Kingdom could not control. After all, many nobles were behind those businesses.

But no matter how scared they were, they did not have any choice but to obey the order of their superior or else they would end up floating in a river somewhere. Their boss instructed them to meet up with an underground figure to help them with the dilemma that they were facing. It's either get killed by some kind of evil creature or by that person themselves or get killed by the Lord who they promised slaves.

“I'm definitely gonna punch the one who suggested we ask Mercy for help once we get back.” Kelton was a bit calmer than he was before and was able to stand properly. Him and Carl stood back to back, waiting for the person they were told to meet and it has already been almost half a hour past the time the said person was supposed to arrive.

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