Chapter 47: Power to Tremble Before

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One thing that Emerald learned after looking after Kill is that the beast child was too vengeful for someone his age.

"He said your food tastes disgusting."

Emerald looked at the child in disbelief as she closed the door to the diner. The employees were just talking about the wealthy customer who passed out not so far away from the diner after encountering large snakes that could devour a man.

Yes. Large snakes in the middle of the district located in the city. It was impossible of course, after all, the knights of the Arkwright Duchy were the ones in charge to patrol Blackwell and although there were many thugs wandering around, an animal of such a level of danger cannot enter the capital. The odd thing was, after the said customer passed out from fear, soiling his pants in the process, the ginormous serpent slithered to the backstreet and was never seen again even after the knights and order conducted a search.

"Are you saying that it was you who summoned that serpent, dear?" Emerald kneeled in front of the child, not quite believing the thoughts that were entering her mind.

"It was just an illusion, it won't harm anybody," the child reasoned, nevertheless, it still brought shock to the older woman. It was indeed normal for a child to manifest their magic at the raw age of eight until they were ten, but it was rare for one to completely master their ability until they were twelve. She thought maybe the reason why the child was able to control his magic was because he was of beast descent, but nevertheless, it was still deserving of awe.

"Dear, you do not have to avenge me for every single person who speaks ill about the diner. I value your safety more than my honor." Emerald caressed the child's face gently as she spoke. "Will you promise me that this one will be the last?" she asked with the softest voice she could give.

Kill looked unsatisfied but still nodded his head as a reply. It brought quite the scare to Emerald as she was once a caretaker of a little trouble maker named Clerivan– her little brother– and she was a witness of how that child barely did anything to stay out of trouble. She did anticipate that Kill would not stay quiet...

But she did not expect him to disappear that very same night.

The call with the lady ended after just a couple of minutes. The worry and fear that Emerald felt during the whole conversation was overshadowed by empathy after seeing the Arkwright princess look helpless, as she could not show up in person to look for the child. It was midnight and she was inside the estate of a different household that is way farther from Blackwell District.

"Stay inside the diner for tonight. I will find a way."

Emerald couldn't do anything but to obey the words that she was given. With a heavy heart, she looks at the corner of the counter where Kill used to spend his hours every day.


Avy clenched her teeth in frustration. It has been a while ever since she last felt this helpless.

The sound of the grandfather clock in the corner of the room rang in her ears. The silence was unnerving and unbearable as she racked her mind of something, a way to at least help find a clue on the missing beast child's whereabouts.

"How unfortunate," she heard Ares commented although his tone did not suggest a single bit of sympathy.

Avy just ignored him as it was no use bickering with the said curse. They are not inside her family estate and it was for sure that the security that the Harrington Duchy has is tighter that she was used to in her own place. Duke Harrington is known to be an unrivaled spell casting mage and it would not be a surprise if he barricaded his estate with spells to protect his property. She has zero excuse to go outside as it was already late and even if she was able to leave the mansion without anyone noticing, she's too far away from where she left Kill at.

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