Who Is He?

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It had been a typical week for the Titans. Common shenanigans, and the occasional villain fight. But something was a bit different about these past few months.

Occasionally they would see reports of the masked vigilante, Deku, he had been with seen using multiple powers, going around and doing random acts of kindness, despite his appearance, of which was very monstrous.

One day he would make the news for taking down some super villain with ease, and other days he would make a minor headline by doing a small act, such as helping civilians with minor tasks or by doing service work.

Just last week he was seen cleaning up an old beach that had recently become a scrap yard due to littering.

Robin had been doing all that he could in order to learn as much as he could about the vigilante, he wanted to know who he was, or where he came from. Wanting to know if he was truly a friend, or just another foe. Although it was proving to be pointless. And his frustration was becoming very obvious.

"UGH!!! THIS IS SO IRRITATING!!! I mean how does someone just randomly apear while having multiple abilities?!" Robin shouted as he threw a side desk in frustration.

"Woah, Rob's mad! I've never seen him like this." Beastboy claimed.

"Yes indeed, friend Robin is usually the calm and the collected amongst us." Starfire replied nervously.

"Makes sense, I mean this new guy is a total ghost. He has nothing that directly links to him, his identity is unknown, he shows up randomly then disappears, and the guy doesn't show up anywhere! And trust me, I've checked the web, government servers, locked or blocked media, encrypted folders, everything! And yet all we have is a small list of powers, a supposed alias, a probable nationality, and a list of things he has done." Cyborg stated with an ever growing irk as to how untraceable this new guy was.

"He also doesn't show up in any of my stuff either. Nothing related to the name Deku. I've gotten monsters or demons that share a resemblance, but nothing concrete. Nor have I seen anything even similar to his list of abilities. I've seen spells for similar powers individually but they don't resemble his. It's as if it really is just naturally a part of him. Mabey he's an experiment?" Raven stated nonchalantly but a hint of interest.

"No. No experiment. I've gone deep into the dark web. Nothing pops up relating to the guy. Nothing except his name, Deku. What does that even mean?" Cyborg asks, now getting antsy about all this.

"Every time I search even that name I get two separate awnsers. One is news articles or web pages talking about what he has done, or even personal experiences with him. And the other is a Japanese translation. Which apparently 'Deku' means worthless, or a weak wooden puppet. It just doesn't make any sense! How do we find this guy?" Robin states while trying to calm down.

"Wait you said Japanese right?" Asked cyborg with a look that screamed connected dots.

"Yeah, what about it?" Robin asked.

"That's it! That's a lead! This guy whoever he is. Has knowledge about Japan or, he at least speaks the language! So we start there! Get a list or record of all people in jump city that belong to Japanese heritage! Then we can narrow it down one by one, and Booyah we got our vigilante!" Cyborg exclaimed with growing excitement.

"Hey, hey, hey, your right! Plus I know where we can do some stake outs too!" Beastboy proclaimed.

"You do?" Asked Raven with a guess as to where this was going.

"Totally dudes! There's this really popular Asian cuisine restaurant I go to all the time down on Main Street! It has a reputation of being very popular amongst the Asian community! They serve all sorts of traditional Asian foods!" Beastboy says with now growing excitement.

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