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The vigilante, aware to her presence, sat up straight, looked back at Raven, then looked back towards the horizon, and with broken English he spoke, "You know, this city is interesting. Even though there are no, grand lights, towering buildings, or abundant plant life, it is still beautiful in its own way." This simple phrase gained Ravens attention and caused her to take a seat next to the vigilante and listen to what he has to say.

"Back in my home, there would always be a building that simply glowed in the night, like a beacon. Walk down any street and there would always be at least one tree or bush. Looking up you would always notice the glass buildings that looked like they scraped the stars. It was always so welcoming, unlike here." He paused for a second to let his words sink in.

"I know I'll never be welcome like this, and that puts a damper on this city's beauty. But I am still infatuated with it." The vigilante continues, "It is so different from my home, and yet it feels so familiar. You never truly feel alone here."

Raven had to agree. Jump city truly was special in that regard. Yet she still had to ask, "Why do you help us? Why do you help the people who live here? They only see you as a threat, and yet you still protect and help them. Why?"

This caused the vigilante to pause. She understood this silence, he was thinking. Then after a moment, he responded, "Because it's the right thing to do."

Raven thought about this, then before she could say something, he continued.

"Look down there." He said while gesturing towards the people down below, "All of those specks, all those black dots. Are people. And each one has a life. Each one has a story... and I feel that none of those story's should hold too much fear, or unease." He comments while staring down at them, "They should be able to go about there lives in peace. In comfort. They should be allowed to laugh, to smile." He claims with a longing tone.

"But, monsters, villains, destroyed land, ruined homes, little daily troubles, and even the smallest of events prevent that joy." He states with a solemn voice, "And I have taken it upon myself, to help them, to protect them, to be a symbol to them." He claims with growing determination, "No matter what they claim that I am. Wether it's helping a child reach a lost ballon, or taking down a tyrant. I'll always be there to aid them." He states while turning to her. "I'm kinda like you."

This confused her, what did he mean by that? "What I meant is how some people may think of you as a demon, or a monster." This irked her, and she was about to argue, but he cut her off, "But you know what I think?" He paused, "I think, that your a hero."

This made her go silent. Simply listening to his words with a slight blush at the claim, "You could be using your powers for evil, or for what ever you desire. And yet, you use them to help people." This made her eyes slightly tear up. No one had ever really said something like this to her, "I had a friend once, poor guy had a power that seemed villainous. And yet, he wanted nothing more than to help people. People always implied that he would become a villain, or that he would do something bad. But then, when it really mattered, he pulled through. He became the hero he wanted to be." The vigilante stated with a voice of contempt.

Raven decided to say something before he could continue, "So, you just go around helping people, saving lives, for no reward? No other purpose, other than because its simply the right thing to do? Just because you wanna make people smile?"

"Yup." He states with a chuckle, "Although it would be nice to get a thank you every now and then. But hey, who am I to judge." He claims with a small chuckle.

This caused Raven to also lightly chuckle at his response, "Yeah, I get you there." She responds before pausing again, "y'know... you aren't that bad. Just a bit... misunderstood." She claims while gently patting his shoulder.

The Lost Hero (A MHA x Teen Titans crossover)Where stories live. Discover now