Street Fight

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It was a normal day for the Titans. A new guy showed up and tried to rob an armored car. It seemed like a simple fight, except for the fact that this criminal could shift parts of his body into different states of matter. And was giving our heroes a good run for their money.

Robin had been trying to find a solution, or a way to hit / knockout living gas or liquid. Because, anytime one of the Titans tried to hit him he would swap to a material that they could not hit.

Beast boy was currently trying to fight water as some form of fish or bird, but to no effect. Starfire would fire starbolts that would simply go through the enemy. Cyborg was trying to electrocute or blow away the enemy to no result. And Raven had been trying to use a spell that could stop them. But anytime she would, the guy would turn to gas and the spell would miss.

"Common dude! Just stay solid!" Beastboy complained while flying around as a sparrow.

"Yeah! Besides you can't keep this up forever! We'll get you sooner or later!" Cyborg stated with growing irritation.

The villain then created a water like face and began taunting the young hero's. "Fat chance ya stupid kids! Besides it looks to me like your all getting tired! Plus its starting to look like you all got nothing that can stop me! So just try and - ACK!!" He was cut off, because he got hit by a sudden gust of intense wind pressure that dispersed his body all over the place.

The Titans, shocked as to what just happened, looked towards the direction that the wind came from.

And there, standing on the edge of a nearby building was a man in a green costume adorned with white shoulder pads and gloves, red sleeves, black accents along the green base, bright red belt and shoes, a billowing yellow cape/scarf, and glowing g...

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And there, standing on the edge of a nearby building was a man in a green costume adorned with white shoulder pads and gloves, red sleeves, black accents along the green base, bright red belt and shoes, a billowing yellow cape/scarf, and glowing green eyes being hidden beneath his torn mask.

He looked almost animalistic in appearance, his gloves and boots were worn down and looked like the had claws, the metal mouth guard jagged and beaten up resembling the maw of some sort of beast. The yellow cape looking torn and scorched resembling that of a animals frayed and matted fur. It was... terrifying.

He simply stood there, with a single arm outstretched, aiming in the direction of the villain. The Titans were about to get ready to fight the newcomer, before the water around them started to come back together.

"Another one?!" The villain exclaimed with annoyance.

"Omoshiroi koto ni, anata wa jibun no karada o don'na busshitsu no jōtai ni mo kaeru koto ga dekimasu ne? Mata, tokutei no karada kinō o hoji shite iru yōdesu. (interesting, you can turn your body into any state of matter, yes? It also appears you retain specific bodily functions.)" The newly arrived combatant stated in a foreign language.

Then in a flash of brilliant green lightning the vigilante was between the Titans and the growing mass of liquid, and he started to wind up one massive hit, "Sore de, sore ga gisei ni nari hajimeru mae ni, anata ga nankai, aruiwa anata no karada no dore dake o bunsan sa seru koto ga dekiru ka o mite mimashou! (So let's see just how many times or even much of your body you can disperse, before it begins to take a toll!)" and with that he launched his fist forward creating a gigantic gust of wind that propelled towards the liquid man. Upon hitting him, the winds rushed against him, slamming him into the buildings behind him.

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