Getting Recognized

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It was hard to catch Izuku off guard. At least recently it was difficult. For example: a young and oblivious Deku would have been caught very off guard to suddenly be attacked, but the now experienced and traumatized Deku would take one second to register what was happening, only to immediately respond with a well executed plan... but this took the cake for surprises. And it all started with a day at a local boardwalk.

Earlier that night

"Hey guys! Guess what?!" Cyborg yelled as he came crashing through the lounge entrance getting a hood jump and yell from both Starfire and Beastboy. A minor glance from Izuku and Raven, While Robin calmly looked over to the tin man.

"What ya got for us Cy?"

"The Boardwalk is open! And, they got some new attractions!" Cyborg exclaimed as he shook his arms in excitement.

"Wait what do you mean?" Izuku asked.

"Right. You don't quite have something like that in Japan huh?" Beastboy asks.

"Yeah. But from the sounds of it, it sounds like an amusement park." Izuku deduced.

"It's something like that. But it's smaller, confined to a pier. And typically has more games than rides." Robin explained.

"Oh yes! And there are the many things to enjoy! Like the Junk food, or the Wheel of Farris! Oh oh! And this games of which are the rigged!" Starfire cheered.

"Well... those aren't so great. But the other stuff is!" Cyborg corrected.

"Huh, sounds fun!" Izuku exclaimed.

"Yeah! Although... you should probably wear your costume just in case." Beastboy states.

"Yeah, we always somehow manage to get caught up in heroing whenever we head out." Robin explains.

"You sure? I wouldn't want to scare anybody." Izuku states nervously.

"I think you look cool." Raven states from behind her book, causing the greenet to get flustered.

"T-thanks." Even though Izuku and Raven had come to enjoy each others company, he was still a easily flustered mess.

"Then it's decided!" Cyborg declares, as he grabs the others and books it towards the garage.

Time skip brought to you by a chibi Deku helping an old lady cross the street

It was weird having people stare at you... that was something Deku would never get used to. It's funny how he could punch someone with enough force to launch them into the stratosphere, yet getting stared at and whispered about could reduce him to a shy mess. And, from time to time, he could make out what they say.

"Isn't that the vigilante?"

"Is he working with the Titans?"

"Geez, he looks so spooky."

"He looks like a monster."

These comments always felt wrong, after all, it hurts to be called a monster. But something that always made him feel better, was the star struck look in some kids eyes, along with the comments of excitement that they just had to share.

"He looks so cool!"

"Have you seen the black stuff he shoots out?"

"His lightning looks so cool!"

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