8. Sunrise Buddy

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Roman James

Vic went to practice with my parents as her mom left and I brought her to my room where we'd been working on the project for 2 hours now.

"Can we take like a 10 minute break?" She asked me, her eyes glued to my window.

"Yea." I said and she went to my window, sitting on it like she did this morning and my heart began pounding with nerves.

I went over there and held one of her hands, trying to calm my natural instinct to rip her away from the window.

"I can feel your pulse in your fingers." She chuckled and I looked up at her.

"You scare the shit out of me when you do that." I whispered.

"I did it as a kid all the time." She said and I sighed.

"Come here." I pulled her from the window, my heart instantly okay.

I dragged her into our small attic where a circle window opened and I climbed onto the room, helping her up too.

I sat and she gasped.

"That's so pretty." She said and I hummed.

"Come here." I said and pulled her between my legs.

"Why?" She asked and I pulled her close to me, moving her hair to one shoulder.

I grabbed her hand and placed it on my jugular vein.

"Oh wow." She said slightly concerned.

"It's normal when you do risky things. That's why, I'll be fine if you're just here." I held her hand to my neck and put my nose behind her ear and took a huge deep breath.

"It's slowing down." She said like it was such a cool thing.

"It's nature. As we are in a straight relationship and you are mine, it's my natural instinct to keep you from dangerous things however if you do them, you are the only one that can also calm me down." I said and took another breath of my favorite smell.

"Why does straight matter?" She asked.

"Well in this relationship I'm considered the protector. In a gay relationship one could be the protector or they both are over one another same with lesbian relationships. Sometimes in straight ones the girl is protective over the boy." I explained and she pulled her hand down from my neck.

"That's kinda cool." She said and I could hear her smile.

"So I won't- but if I scoot away you'll get all scared again? I know it isn't something you can control it's just the protector in you?" She asked.

"Yup. Try, face me and move away." I said and she turned, facing me and she grabbed my wrist, putting her fingers on top of my pulse and the second she stepped back on this high ass roof my heart shot from my chest and I grabbed her hand, pulling her into me and grabbing her tightly.

"We aren't trying that again." I said and she laughed.

"Your heart though." She put her fingers on my neck.

"Do the smell thing again." She said and I pulled her into me, her arms bending against my chest and I took a deep breath of the cinnamon that made me mouth water.

"Would that work with me?" She asked and moved her hands from my neck.

"The calming?" I asked.

She nodded.

"What's a situation that makes you scared, anxious?" I asked.

"Parties, groups of people, a lot of people trying to talk to me at once. The mall." She nodded and I smiled.

"If we ever went to let's say, a party together, you'd get nervous, hold my hand and that would help a little, but if I were to keep you close and it's more the neck the if you were really close to me and smelt me it's a natural reaction for you to calm almost immediately. Similar situations same comfort." I explained.

I kinda love how curious she was.

"The thing is I've never been to a party but from the people thing I think I'd either love it or hate it." She pursed her lips as if thinking.

"That makes sense." I said and she grinned, stepping back. I stood and picked her up, turning us over and having me stand closer to the edge.

"You're gonna start that on purpose now aren't you?" I asked.

"I'm sorry. I did it because it's interesting to me." She said and I glared at her.

"What and why?" I asked.

"Because the fact that only one person that walks on this earth can calm you down in such a specific way is strange to me." She said and I nodded.

"I get that but doesn't mean you get to put me into cardiac arrest for fucking with my heart rate." I smirked.

She put her hand on my chest.

"I can feel it when it beats hard." She looked up at me and I couldn't help but just watch her as she was curious about everything.

"So if you were to back up, I wouldn't get scared?" She asked.

"The closer to the edge I get you could." I nodded.


"Why? What if I fall?" I asked.

"I didn't think that far so just do it." She said and I laughed as I began walking down the roof, what I liked is that the top wasn't steep, just barely slanted.

I got to the edge and I looked at her face, her body tensed.

"Yea yea I get the gist come back please." She put her hands out and I laughed.

"Stop fucking with me then if you don't like it." I got back to her and she looked like she didn't know what to do.

"Hugs are just fine you know." I said trying to help her.

She wrapped her arms tightly around my neck and I belt down slightly, putting my arms around her waist.

"This is so cliche. The whole thing." She whispered.

"I know. It's like those stupid hopeless romantic books and movies." I chuckled.

"It's okay, I'll figure it out." She didn't let go but she relaxed.

"Wanna be done with the project for tonight?" I asked.

"Yes please." She mumbled.

I took a deep breath letting myself hold it in, hoping it to never leave my nostrils.

"Do you wake up that early every morning?" I asked.

"Yea. Early bird." She smiled pulling back.

"Hopefully I'll catch you every morning." I smiled.

"I could sneak in your window and wake you up." She teased.

"You actually should." I said.

"You can be my sunrise buddy!" She smiled.

I was born her sunrise buddy.

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