11. Specifics

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Everleigh Dolan

I showered and changed in the bathroom, wearing spandex and a hoodie, taking my comb and hair things to my room.

A deep voice spoke, "hey."

I jumped and dropped all my things.

"Don't do that!" I whined, picking it back up.

"Sorry love." He mumbled and I picked everything back up.

"Have you eaten?" He asked.

"Uhm no, not yet." I said and he stood.

"Do I have permission to go into your kitchen and make you something?" He helped put my supplies down on my dresser that held a very large mirror.

He held my waist and looked at my pajamas.

He just hummed and gripped my hips, letting warmth spread along my body.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing, is it a yea or no?" He asked staring me down as if warning me to not say no.

"Go ahead." I said and he pressed a half open kiss on my forehead before letting me go and I turned on my light.


"Here." He said and handed me a bowl of cheesy noodles.

"Thank you." I smiled and he looked at my hair.

"It's pretty." He looked at me and I shoved a bite of the noodles in my mouth.


I jumped at the new found uncontrolled thoughts that occur in my head.

"What'd you think?" He smirked and I looked up at him.

"You called me pretty." I shoved another bite into my mouth.

"Cause you are." He tucked some of my hair behind my ear.

I smelt something more intense than him and it was sweeter, weirder.

"What is that?" I asked and he chuckled.

"Guess." He mumbled.

"I don't know." I shook my head and he pointed to his hips and I saw a large thing standing from his sweats.

"I-wow." I shoved more food in my mouth.

"Only you can smell it." He said and I nodded.

"Do I have it?" I asked.

"You do, yours is a lot better and more intense than mine naturally. Girls have that factor." He said and I nodded, avoiding looking at him as a whole.

I don't want to smell to him. I don't even know what I want.

"So weird." I mumbled.

"We're soulmates darling." He smiled and I nodded.

"I caught on." I whispered.

I finished and he walked toward me, taking my bowl and setting it on the dresser before blocking me in between his arms.

"What's the nervous face for baby?" He fake pouted and I shrugged.

"New news." I guessed.

"No, you're trying to avoid feeling something awfully specific." He said, matter of fact.

"How do you know?" I challenged.

"It's my job to know sweet girl." He smiled.

"The question is, what will it take?" He asked himself and I got nervous yet eager for him to get closer. 

"Can I try?" He asked.

"Sure." I whispered.

He got close to me, putting one hand on my waist and one of the side of my neck, moving his head to the other and my hands moved to his sides, naturally.

He left open kisses along the base of my neck, moving up and using his tongue to draw patterns along my skin.

I shivered as he bit my ear lobe and dragged his teeth along my skin leaving small bites.

"Oh my god." He whispered and I was embarrassed.

I closed my thighs and eyes hoping for... I'm not sure.

"You smell so so good Everleigh." He mumbled and I hummed as he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into him.

"You're mine you know that? I'm the damn luckiest guy for it." He said and I grinned feeling shy.

I put my face into his chest, hugging him.

"Come on, go to sleep." He suggested and I hummed.

"Stay for a bit?" I asked.

"Of course." He nodded, clearly surprised by the offer.

The truth was I couldn't not think about him and I craved the tingles that came with his presence.


"Wake up." I whispered waking the sleeping boy still by me. He ended up falling asleep too.

"Hm?" He asked.

"The sun." I whispered and went to my window, sitting on the seal again.

He immediately got up and came to me.

"I don't like that, it's too early to worry about you." He groaned and I laughed.

"It's okay." I offered a hand and he took it, rubbing circles along my palm and kissing my hand periodically.

"After can I go back to sleep?" He asked.

"You can now, your room is right there." I pointed.

"If I sleep there, your ass is coming with me." He said and I smiled at him.

"Why?" I tilted my head and his other hand cupped my cheek.

"Because I sleep better with you my love." He poked my nose and I felt my face heat causing him to laugh.

He's so damn hot.

I shook my head, leaving the thought to think my itself.

"What?" He asked.

"How do you know everytime?" I asked.

"Because we both have the same response to the voice silly. Body language. You'll catch on." He said and I suddenly became more aware.

"What was the thought?" He asked.

"And I quote 'you're so damn hot'" I said and he grinned.

"I know." He winked before looking down and blinking twice.

"Aha! I figured it out!" I looked at him and he smiled at me.

"It's so strange that it's your thought that you have but you didn't control it it just pops up. I got my first one when I offered a dinner." He said and I tiled my head asking for more info.

"Let's just say, I was against the mate thing and in smaller words I called you a 'beautiful bitch'." He said, his face bright red with embarrassment.

"It's fine I knew you were. My mom was swooning when you handed me rolls." I laughed and he smiled at me.

"Come on. Sneak in there." He pointed to his window.

I got inside and immediately my body was warm and coated with the masculine citrus smell.

"Come on." He pushed me to his bed and he said beside me, letting me sleep on his chest this time.

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