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Stefan's Point Of View

You ever have that feeling that your going to not have a nice welcome back from something? Like, the impending doom of incoming abandonment?

Yeah, when I saw the 400 and something texts and calls that I missed on my mission, all of which from James, that is exactly how I felt.

This mission was long, tiring, and undercover, meaning I wasn't allowed to have anything on me that could identify who I was.

Fury rolled his eyes at me when I bolted for the exit as soon as he declared my job complete, and how I slipped on the wet pavement in the parking lot when I rounded the corner too sharp, trying to get to my car as fast as possible.

"God-- Fuck-- Thank you." I muttered to the car when it unlocked, and got in, praying it turned on.

I did follow the rules of driving, and made it to the compound safely and legally in the normal speed of 30 minutes.

But, of course, there is no such thing as a 'no running' law.

So, I collided into the reception desk, the receptionist jumping in surprise at my sudden appearance.

"Sir, do you have an--"

"Where is James Buchanan Barnes?" I cut her off, and she was about to argue with my demanding tone, until she saw my Shield uniform.

She pressed a button on her desk, and the doors unlocked.

"Thank you!" I shouted as I ran down the hall, looking inside each doorway I passed by, hoping I'd find a head of shoulder length, dark chocolate brown hair.

Am I sweating? Yes. Why? Because while I was a trainer for Shield agents, I never actually completed a work out since I became one, and that was YEARS ago.

and this undercover mission, seriously, was me pretending that I was a entry level guy for this small gang, and had to act like I didn't know anything about fighting.

So, I couldn't do my normal work out, couldn't use proper form, or do anything correct or that would keep me in shape for a month, and now, I was paying the price.

But, was it all worth it when I saw him, sitting on a couch with Steve next to him and Clint across from him, arguing over when he would get his phone back?

To be honest, no. No it wasn't.

But I didn't care that it wasn't worth it, and without a second of hesitation, tackled him off the couch from behind.

He screamed in shock, and I wrapped him up in my arms, rolling us mid air just in time, so my back hit the ground instead of his face. I lifted my head, burying my face in the crook of his neck.

I heard Steve and Clint start laughing, while James continued to struggle, not yet realizing it was me.

When he tried to pry my arms off from around him-- his arms were folding to his chest, locked in place by my arms-- I tightened my grip.

"No." I grumbled, my lips grazing his skin as I spoke, making him shiver. "No moving."

He stopped struggling, before he turned his head, his face now buried in my hair, which, I digress, has not been cleaned in a while and probably smelled like shit.

Only he didn't seem to mind, because he kissed my head, and tapped my arms, telling me to loosen them so he could turn around and face me.

When he did, I couldn't even take one breath before his lips were on mine.

He was leaning on his elbows, which were on either side of my head, and I had my arms still around his shoulders, until they slid up to be around his neck.

"Okay, okay! We get it! You're happy Stefan's back! Get a NON-PUBLIC room!" Steve laughed, while Clint let out a screech.

"My eyes! Someone bleach my poor, innocent eyes! Please! MY EYES!"

I smirked into our kiss, and flipped them off from behind James's head, until James pulled away, resting his forehead against mine and smiling beautifully.

When I saw his eyes swell with barely contained tears, I wiped them away, and gently pulled his head down, placing it on my chest, tucked under my chin.

His body relaxed soon after, and I smiled, staring up at the ceiling as I heard him mumble, "Never again. Never again."

I pressed my lips to the shell of his ear. "Yes, sir... Scouts honor."

There was silence, and then he lifted his head, throwing it back as he laughed while shaking his head at me.

"You just had to ruin the moment, huh."

I scoffed, looking at him in shock, as I moved my right hand to place it on my chest over my heart, looking at him like he just offended me upon the highest degree.

"Hey! I ruined no such thing! I never ruin moments!" I argued, and he raised a single eyebrow, looking at me in amusement.

I glanced over his shoulder, and saw Steve and Clint silently leave, ushering Nat-- who just walked in with Wanda-- out of the room.

"You know, it's impossible to ruin a moment." I continued, smiling at him smoothly as I slowly moved him forward, his hips now resting against mine as he straddled them, my hands resting on the back of his thighs.

"Oh? And how is that?" He asked, his eyes narrowing ever so slightly, as if he was trying to read my mind for the answer.

I smiled at him confidently. "It's impossible, because when one moment ends, another begins. So, there's no ruining a moment; there's simply another moment starting."

"Oh, okay." He spoke slowly, nodding as if he was thinking about my answer.

I lifted my head, giving him a quick kiss, before I gently placed him on the floor next to me and stood up.

He pouted, 'glaring' at me; his 'glare' isn't an actual glare, but him trying to glare at me, very unsuccessfully.

"Awe, is my baby sad?" I cooed teasingly, before I bent over, and moved his arms around my neck.

He grumbled, burying his face in my neck, while I pat his leg, telling him to put his leg up.

When he did, I grabbed it, and lifted him up off the floor, his legs now locked at the ankles around my waist.

I held him up by his thighs, and kissed his head, moving down the hall to his room.

"Are you happy I'm back?" I asked, opening his door with my foot.


I chuckled.

I guess we both haven't been sleeping good.

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