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Stefan's Point Of View

I took my siblings to my apartment about 3 weeks ago, and I was both a nervous and happy.

Nervous, because James now wanted to know about all of my family.

Happy, because I was now able to use work as an excuse to hide from him.

Which is exactly why I have been hiding out a work, sleeping in my car instead of my dorm.

This may seem dramatic, but my family was a very touchy subject.

But that changed this morning, after James found out where I've been sleeping and had my car toad.

Which was leaving me no choice but to talk to him.

I pushed my dorm room door open, standing just outside the doorway as I saw James, eating dinner at the table while facing the door, smiling.

"Hey, you want some?"

I closed the door after stepping inside, and sat in the chair across from him.

"Not very hungry."

He nodded, and we sat in silence for a moment, before he continued.

"I had first thought you had another mission, but when I called Fury to ask how long you'd be gone, he said you hadn't been back to work for a few days."

I looked at my empty plate, avoiding his eyes.

"I knew you'd have questions, and I didn't want to answer them, but I can't lie to you, so I stayed away." I explained slowly, knowing it wouldn't change the situation, but at least he could maybe understand my view on it.

"Then you could have told me you didn't want to talk about it."

"I realized that a little too late. I am truly, very sorry for this, James. Very, very sorry."

I met his eyes then, and he stood up, walking around the table, and pulled out my chair with me still in it.

"What are you--" He sat on my lap backwards so he could face me, and hugged me tight, his face buried in my neck.

"I thought I messed up and you hated me. Do you know how many days and nights I cried through? All of them. I'm only here because Clint told me why you were avoiding me." He mumbled, and I kissed his head, whispering over and over again how sorry I was.

I really was sorry; I hated that I actually avoided him because I was afraid of my past. But right now, I was mostly sorry because I knew Steve was going to pummel me into the ground.

Selfish of me to think, I know.

He leaned into me heavily, and I gently made him stand up, before I stood up myself.

He leaned into me with a hug, and I wrapped an arm around him, before I started heading to the bedroom.

"You haven't eaten anything today, Stefan."

I ignored him, and changed into a pair of sweatpants, before I got into bed, letting out a sigh of joy.

"What? Was the back of your car a little too firm on your old bones?" He taunted, changing into his pajamas-- which were Disney themed and absolutely adorable-- before he got into bed next to me.

"Yes. But these 'old bones' can still kick a few asses." I muttered, pulling him against me as I closed my eyes.

"Okay. Whatever you say."


I woke up to find James in the bathroom, the shower being heard through the cracked open door.

He came out, only in a towel-- which hung too low on his hips in my opinion-- you never know who could barge in-- and started looking around for clothes.

When he leaned across the bed to grab a shirt, I flung the blanket over him and tugged him into bed.

"Stefan! No! I just took a shower!" He argued, trying to not laugh as I buried him in the blanket and huddled against him.

"No. I get up first."

He scoffed. "No. I did."


"No, Stefan. I got up before you did, and took a shower before you did, and am going to eat breakfast before you do. Your age is catching up with you, sweetheart."

I huffed, and closed my eyes, laying on top of him heavily.

"Go back to sleep." I muttered, and he let out a chuckle this time, wrapping his arms around me.

"Since when does the great Stefan Jonah Jacobs of Shield sleep in?" He teased, but I was too tired to care.

"Are you sure you're okay? You're really warm. Maybe we should take this off--"

I tugged the blanket around us tighter.

"No. I'm cold."

"Stefan, your literally sweating. I have to take another shower because of this." He tried again, but I ignored him, snuggling my head into the blanket and his neck.

"Stefan, lift up your head."

I ignored him again, closing my eyes to try and go back to sleep.

He put his hands on the side of my head, and moved my head up so he could see my face. He held my head up with one hand, and placed his free hands' palm to my forehead.

"Oh, honey, your burning."

I grunted, my head dropping heavily back onto the blanket when he let go.

"Stefan, be careful." He scolded, adjusting my head so it was in a more comfortable position.

"I'm fine." I mumbled, slowly sitting up.

"Stefan, no. Lay back down." He followed me as I went to the bathroom, and steadied me when I almost tripped over the lip of the doorway.

"I'm fine." I argued, turning on the sink.

I splashed water on my face, my body shivering with how cold I already was.

"Stefan, come lay back down. I'll call you in, okay? We'll take the day off." James tried for a third time, wrapping his arms around me, hoping I would listen.

"I'm perfectly fine, James. I have to go to work. I've missed 3 weeks already." I protested, wiping my hand down my face to get the water off.

"Your shivering while your sweating, Stefan. You're sick and need to lay down." James put an arm around my waist and started leading me back to bed.

"I have to--"

He pulled the blanket back over me, before tucking me in and kissing my forehead.

"Go to sleep, Stefan. I'll get some more blankets and get you something to eat. I'll call you in."

"I can take care of myself." I grumbled, watching him as he opened his closet.

"Goodnight, Stefan."

I mumbled a 'night' before my eyes forced themsleves closed, and I fell asleep.

Making Up For Lost Time - [James Barnes x Male OC]Where stories live. Discover now