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*Bilbo's POV*

Before I could even realise that the creature had jumped off a cliff and crouched right in front of me, it's planted a smirk on it's face one that was stomach turning making you want to gag by the amount of saliva pouring out of it's mouth, it had fish and bones stuck in the gaps of it's teeth, with a small rag around it's waist.

"Bless us and splash us, precious. ", the creature grumbled, "That's a meaty mouthful.", it hissed strangely, an unknown voice. "Gollum! Gollum!", it spoke as it coughed, causing me to flinch from his outburst before I instantly pointed my sword directly to it's face.

"Back!", I ordered. "Stay back.", I hissed, "I'm warning you, don't come any closer.", I spoke firmly. Stepping closer to the creature as he walked backwards from the end of my blade.

"It's got an Elfish blade", the creature mumbled to itself, "But it's not an Elf's", it exhaled sharply, "Not an Elfses, no"

"What is it precious? What is it?", it questioned staring down at my glowing blue sword as I swallowed nervously and frowned my eyebrows

"My name", I paused take in a deep breath. "Is Bilbo Baggins", I finished exhaling as I shifted my stance more comfortably.

"Bagginsess", creature thought thinking for a moment. "What is a Bagginsess, precious?" it questioned, thinking I was some kind of anonymous creature in it's eyes I guess it's never seen a Baggins before or even a hobbit.

"I'm a Hobbit from the Shire" I go to nervously still protecting myself and my sword of my hand tightly.

"Oh" he paused, "We like Goblins, Bates, and Fishes", he smirked. "But we hadn't tried Hobbits before" it exclaimed before I realised, it kept repeating the word frequently throwing me off a bit. "Is it soft", it questioned creepily, "Is it juicy", it questioned stepping in closer towards me before I swung my sword trying to keep it away from my shaking body.

"Now, now keep your distance", I waved my sword towards its face, making sure it would stay clear away from me, "I'll use this", it paused in inhaling a deep breath, "If I have to" the creature than crouched on all fours making me take a step back. "I don't want any trouble, do you understand?", I questioned. "Just show me the way to get out of here and I'll be on my way."

"Why?", it questioned examining me, "Is it lost?"

"Yes. Yes, and I want to get unlock as soon as possible.", I stated as the creature nodded it's head slowly.

"Oh", he exclaimed, "We knows! We know safe paths for Hobbitsess", he paused with excitement written on his face, "Safe paths in the dark. Shut up!", I frowned my eyebrows in confusion at the way he talks and how it addresses 'we' so often.

"I didn't say anything", I stated shifting my stance slightly.

"I wasn't talking to you", it spoke up before turning around behind the rock and continuing, "Oh, yes, we were. Precious. We was." it spoke to itself over its own breath.

"Look I don't know what your game I'd, but I-"

"Games", it paused, "Oh we love Games, don't we, precious? Does it like Games? Does it, does it? Does it like to play?" it said startling me slightly before letting out a laugh seems a bit strange in the moment.

"Maybe." I stated before I could say anything else you interrupted me, "What has roots that nobody sees?" it paused gesturing it's interrupted its words, "Is taller than trees? Up, up, up it goes and yet.", it grinned.

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