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Legolas and I walked side by side up the steps to King Thranduil who was sitting on the throne of Mirkwood. My heart was beating faster, the thoughts that drove me crazy as they ran through my head. Before we reached the top I hesitated before dropping to my knee in small respect.

"My son.", thranduil voice filled the atmosphere, echoing through the halls. "who did you bring me to see?". He asked as I slowly rose from my seat and clasped my hands behind my back in respect.

"Your majesty.", I paused bowing slightly. "I am nithroel Alissa galadher.", I breathed in, "my father was eldaerenth galadher" the moment I said my father's name. King Thranduil got up from his seat and walked slowly towards me, then stopped directly in front of me.

"Child.", He said in a soft, loving tone, raising my chin, I looked straight into the king's eyes. "Your father was a great man, no lesser than I ever was", I tried my best to hold in my teats, and I did. I maintained my tears very well. "I am sorry what happened to your parents, young one, if I would have done anything I would have"

"No you wouldn't", I paused as he stood up straighter with broad shoulders, "I beg your pardon", I repeated myself. "You wouldn't have done anything or your would have saved them both, my mother died for you, she died to protect your stupid land, and then my father grew ill and you did nothing to help him, you did nothing"

"What are you doing with Dwarves?", He tried to change the subject, and returned to his throne before he sat down.

"I committed my life into helping them reclaim their homeland that was once forgotten. I am willing to risk my life to give all of those brave and courage's men a home of their own. I do not ask anything of you, but to set them poor Dwarves free. Whatever punishment you wish to desire to give them, I ask of you to give me the same. what they are put through, so must I.", he nodded his head agreeing to my statement. "of course"

"I must speak to Thorin Oakenshield in agreement of your desire. In the meantime, my son will show you to your cell for now"

"Your majesty", I smiled as Legolas started talking about my basic needs. But I still wondered how my uncle and the rest of the dwarves were doing in the forest kingdom, the dungeon.


"You know, you don't have to do this?", Legolas stated from outside of the cell dorm he was about to place me in. "You can change your mind. You can live here, with us, where you truly belong", he paused waiting for a response as I stared at the beautiful clothes and wet hair from the fountain. Before looking at the tall blonde Elf that stood before me.

"I'm sorry", I sighed. "But this is my family now", I smiled as he nodded his head. "I cannot abandon them now, not ever", I sighed placing a hand on Legolas's shoulder, a grin still planted on my lips. "Thank you, Legolas", I pulled my arm to my side. "I'll see you soon Legolas. goodbye"

"I must go, mellon. farewell", He looked down at the ground and sighed. we thanked each other kindly before meeting Legolas for one last time, as he began to leave. I rested my hand on the bars before placing my forehead on the metal pipes. I pictured my father and my mother's image of them dying and the memories of them, the small ones at least. I closed my eyes holding in the burning tears I knew were going to come.

"Allisa", I heard a familiar voice, say from behind me, and I knew immediately who it was as I whipped my body to meet the face of Kili. "Or is that even you real name", he questioned fiddling with his stone as he sat down on the bench in the cell, which was next to the door, but he sat on the far side nearest the back wall.

"Kili, I've n-"

"So what else have you lied about, huh?", he instantly questioned interlocking our gazes with each other bluntly as I slowly walked towards the open spot next to him on the bench. I sighed as he looked down on me in curiosity placing his stone in his back pocket.

"Kili", I breathed out looking down to my hands. "I've never lied to you once; I swear my life on it. Everything I've told you was the truth. The whole truth and nothing else I promise"

"But your mother? Your father? Where have you come from? Who you really are? How you feel about me?", He raised his voice ad stood up walking to the other side of the cell, my heart sank in my chest at the sound of his heart broken voice, I looked back up to him, he had small wells of tears in his eyes. "Everything I know about you, has been a lie, Allisa! Everything we have talked about together, everything we've shared together, between us, Allisa"

"You don't understa-", I started before he interrupted me.

"How can I trust you?", I wondered if he was truly hurt, and if it was physically painful for me to see him like that. "How? I saw the way Legolas looked at you, he obviously likes you", He came closer to me so there was at least 10 inches in between us, he looked down slightly at my figure.

"Kili, I had to lie about it all, for my safety, and I've only just met Legolas"

"Your safety?! How will you not be safe, huh?", As tears began to well up inside me again, he raised his voice even more.

"If I speak about my name to anyone, someone who is not supposed to know will, they'll come after me just like they did my parents. I had to change my whole identity, who I was known as, entirely to save me. To save bilbo and the rest of the elves", Tears ran down my cheeks and I took a deep breath. I looked at him in complete despair.

"Uncle Bilbo made me promise not to tell a single soul", a sob escaped my lips as my heart felt weak inside my chest, like it was dying. "And I never, break my promises"

I fell to the floor, leaned my back against the wall, covered his face and began to sob uncontrollably. "And it's all my fault", I breathed out, trying to catch a breath, "My fault, if I hadn't have come on this quest, you would not have been in so much trouble with a pack of Orcs on your tail all the time.", I screamed before I felt two strong arms wrapped around my weak body and pulling me closer to their chest. I buried my head into the crook of their neck as he ran his fingers through my hair while the other rubbed my shoulder. I sank more into his chest as I rested my hands on his chest, he wrapped his arms fully around my body and rubbed his thumbs in circles on my sides.

"I'm sorry, Allisa, so, so sorry", Kili managed to breath out as I cried more into his chest. After a while I calmed down, but he continued to be in his grasp. "Kili", I whispered looking up at him, meeting his eyes almost instantly.

"Yeah?", he wondered as I whispered back, my eyes being lifted off of his eyes. "I'm sorry"

"I'm sorry, I really am sorry, I mean it with all for my heart I know I messed up and I deserve what's going on right now but I'm sorry. I know I've ruined things between us, even if there wasn't something between us but I'm truly sorry. please believe me when I say this. I truly am sorry. I know you're cautious of Legolas, but we've just met, he's nice and all but I-", I said as I as cut off by him kissing me.

He looked back at me, sitting himself up properly, he hovered over me as I looked up into his eyes. He tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear, watching every movement I made. He looked at me so much that my whole body trembled. He gently placed his hand on my neck and pulled me closer to his face. As I looked from his eyes to his lips, I could feel his hot breath hitting my nose.

He placed his other hand on my face and stroked my cheek with his thumb, and I could feel his lips moving slowly towards me, warming my whole body. His gaze was fixed on my lips, and he pulled me towards him as our lips gently brushed against each other. He dug my lips, my heart pounded as my hands began to touch his cheeks, and my fingers stroked the back of his head and his hair.

Then Kili cut off the kiss, stroking his hand through my hair, looking down at his actions, almost embarrassed. "I- I'm sorry", he apologized looking away from my sight, I turned his head back to mine by his chin. "You done need to apologize for anything"

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