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"No", I heard a familiar voice from behind. "He isn't" My Uncle stated as I turned around, standing face to face with my closest friend, closest family, my only family. My heart jumped at the sight before me, my soul rejoicing as I looked to the man before me with honest love.

"uncle", I exhaled a soft breath, embracing bilbo with a soft hug, my head buried slightly in the crook of his neck, my eyes squinting slightly, holding back the soft tears of pure joy

"Bilbo Baggins," Gandalf sighed in satisfaction. "I have never been so glad to see anyone in my life," gandalf exhaled a soft breath as I broke the interaction between my Uncle and myself; a soft lifting from my lips and yet, still not forgetting the words of Thorin.

"Bilbo", Kili smiled, looking to the lowly heighted man. "We'd given you up.", Kili chuckled slightly, glancing my way for a split moment; his eyes seemed to sink in deep and noticing the sudden pain I was facing

"How on earth did you get past the goblins?" Fili questioned looking over to his brother in curiosity. Everyone had shuffled their feet, excited to see such a familiar face, excluding Thorin; his scowl barely leaving his face.

"How, indeed?", Dwalin muttered to himself. Several dwarfs were chatting with each other. He smiled broadly at the proudly successful short hobbit.

"Well, what does it matter?" Gandalf questioned, looking to the rest of us with a kind and yet soft grin. "He's back Gandalf declared with a sigh of satisfaction and a peaceful mind. My eyes are on Thorin, and the pain does not stop in my eyes.

"Indeed", I stated softly, Thorin looked to me with sincerity, almost seeming to regret every word he had expressed. Thorin's gaze never leaving my figure, his scowl lifting form his expressive face, his hands remaining at his sides.

"It matters" Thorin said bluntly before turning to bilbo. "I want to know" Thorin ordered angrily. "Why did you come back?" Thorin questioned my Uncle as my gaze fell to Thorin with confusion onto why he seemed to care even just a small fractions of a meaning.

"Look, I knew you doubt me," Bilbo started with in all seriousness. "I know you always have, " he looked to me with a bittersweet gaze. "And you're right, I often think of bag end", he stated, shrugging his shoulders as a smiled formed onto his lips. "And my armchair and my garden." Bilbo smiled with enlightenment. "See that's where I belong, that's home", my Uncle passed looking to the dwarves. "And that's why I came back. Because..." he paused looking between the men standing before him, "you don't have one. A home", I looked down at my hands, feeling guilt for them. "It was taken from you. But I will help you take it back if I can, " Bilbo had finished, but I couldn't help but think of where Thorin had come from or what he had been through.

Thorin had no parents, he had no family, no one to love him, and his past had mentally tortured him mind. I wasn't thinking about the image and the pain he must suffer through each day as a moon is lifted before the rising sun. I was thinking of the silent grieving he must face daily on the inside, just as I have, remembering my father and my mother. I knew he suffered; I could see it through his eyes; a sigh escaping my chest. I turned to look to Thorin, empathy for him filling within my heart, his gaze interlocking with mine before I had turned my head away from his sight.

"As will I" was all I could exhale from my chest, my gaze being lifted towards Kili who stood beside me before looking at the rest of the company. Thorin had nodded his head in respect, everyone around us nodding with return of gratitude, understanding the pain we've all faced in our lives. But something instantly caught everyones attention. The cry of a Warg from the Orcs over the hills was hear loudly.

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