Chapter 3.

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"SWEET POTATOES! They're big," exclaimed Amelia.

They were big. Unlike the night before, when I only saw the pack in the distance, they were within 15 feet of our travelling group.

Fynn was by far the biggest, at most 1 foot shorter than my 6'0 figure in height. James came in second with the other wolves closely following in size.

"Shh," I warned, "they're easily spooked by strangers."

Amelia winced in reply but didn't say anything more.

I slowly spun in a circle to admire the wolves' lithe bodies and deadly prowess.

As instructed during our journey to the clearing, I got onto one knee and kept my hands by my side.

"That's right," praised Ian as the green-eyed and black-furred wolf cautiously padded up to me.

Before I could comprehend, a wet tongue licked my face, chin to forehead. Amelia and Ian laughed from behind me.

Slowly, I raised a hand and stroked Liam's flank. He let loose a quiet howl before stepping away.

Next up was James, who got up on his back legs to place his front paws on my shoulder. I sensed a feeling of quick acceptance. I felt valued and loved.

One by one, each of the wolves stepped up to me. They slobbered my face, prodded me with their paws, lay in front of me in submission and brushed against my fingers until only Fynn was left.

By then, the rest of the wolves had found comfortable places within a five-foot radius.

"Come on Fynn, don't be shy," I whispered calming words of encouragement in hopes of getting the last wolf to come closer.

It had the opposite effect. Fynn started to growl and snarl.

Uh oh.

"No," I commanded before I realised what I was doing. "No growling at me."

He stopped growling but continued to display his big pointy teeth.

"And stop snarling," I said, "I haven't done anything to you."

Lowering his head, he continued to glare at me but nonetheless reluctantly approached me.

"Good boy," I praised when he allowed me to brush my hands on his head. "That wasn't so hard, now, was it?"

Grunting, he padded to a spot next to James and plopped himself on the snow.

"Wow," Amelia whispered. Turning to Ian, "Is this supposed to happen?"

Ian's face was covered in surprise and awe as he stared at me. "No, Fynn never partakes in the pettings. Often times James doesn't either."

"But I petted them," I quietly commented.

"They're also never this relaxed with people they just met."

My eyebrows furrowed as I contemplated. Interesting...

Shaking away his surprise, Ian's face returned to his normal cheerful self. "Would you like to take some pictures?"

Amelia nodded and gave him her phone before carefully avoiding the resting wolves as she made her way towards me.

Leo, who had his head in my lap, opened one eye to stare at my best friend in distrust.

"Shhh," I whispered, soothingly stroking his forehead, "she's a friend."

We took some photos and spent time watching the suddenly energised wolves play with each other until it was time for the pack and our lunch.



Hiyo guys,

I'm so sorry but as you can tell from reading it, this chapter is a bit of a dud.

I feel like whenever there are wolf books the main character if she's female, is always tall... idk if you feel the same way. But Katie's 6'0 is what we all hope to achieve (or at least I do, lol). But I suppose I should be grateful... I'm 5'10 1/2.

I'm also watching a TV show called 'Is It Cake?", I feel really dumb and hungry.

QOTC: What's your favourite genre? If you don't have one, what is your favourite song(s) or artist(s)?
I'm currently really into alternative/indie music, so think of modern rock... sort of. Favourite artists? MGK, Point North, YUNGBLUD, girl in red, MOD SUN, The Hunna (a bit less than the other artists previously mentioned). I also like Travis Barker (he's a drummer). Favourite songs: Seratonin (girl in red), deathwish (Stand Atlantic), silence is also an answer// (KennyHoopla), bloody valentine (MGK), concert for aliens (MGK), etc.

Run wild,


Chapter 4 (+ maybe Chapter 5): 2April2022
<-- if we get 15 views and 3 votes on this chapter (let's bring the total view for MYVOWF to 50!)

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